The select servid into aa from tablea a where Anderson, d='111';
Aa is found out '222'
Select * from tableb b where b.i d=aa; - perform error, is wrong
Select * from tableb b where b.i d='222'; - perform success
2. If the stored procedure finally returns a result set, how to implement
The select Anderson d, a.n ame from tablea where Anderson, d='
Id, name the result is multiple records
CodePudding user response:
Select * from tableb b where b.i d=aa; - perform error, is wrongStored procedure inside don't let this query directly, you can insert into the select...
CodePudding user response:
That how to invoke, aa value must be a query results before value, how to use the insert into the select, can provide a complete statementCodePudding user response:
. If a stored procedure finally returns a result set, how to implementUse cursor, then dbms_output. Put_line printed
- the type definition
Cursor c_job
The select empno, ename, job, sal
The from emp
where job='MANAGER';
- define a cursor variable v_cinfo c_emp % ROWTYPE, the type of cursor c_emp a row in the data type
C_row c_job % rowtype;
The begin
For c_row c_job in loop
end loop;