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Use single instance of class across many classes


On an Net.Core 6 project I have the IEndpoint extension

public interface IEndpoint {
  void Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder);  

And an implementation example:

public class CountryEndpoint : IEndpoint {
  public void Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder) {

    builder.MapGet("countries", async ([FromServices] IService service) => {
      List<Country> countries = await service.GetCountries();
      return Results.Ok(countries);
    .MapToApiVersion( 1.0 );



I configure the endpoints on my application using:


WebApplication application = builder.Build();


Where AddEndpoints and MapEndpoints extensions are:

public static IServiceCollection AddEndpoints(this IServiceCollection services, params Type[] types) {

    .Scan(x => x.FromAssembliesOf(types).AddClasses(y => y.AssignableTo(typeof(IEndpoint))).AsImplementedInterfaces().WithScopedLifetime());

  return services;


public static class ApplicationBuilderExtensions {

  public static IEndpointRouteBuilder MapEndpoints(this IEndpointRouteBuilder builder) {

    using (IServiceScope scope = builder.ServiceProvider.CreateScope()) {
      IEnumerable<IEndpoint> endpoints = scope.ServiceProvider.GetServices<IEndpoint>();

      foreach (IEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)

    return builder;




On CountryEndpoint's Map` method I have:


The versionSet variable is created in Program code as follows:

ApiVersionSet versionSet = application.NewApiVersionSet().HasApiVersion(new ApiVersion(1.0)).ReportApiVersions().Build();

How can I create such a variable and use it in Endpoints' Map method?

Usually the versionSet variable and the Map methods are in Program code.

CodePudding user response:

You can create static class with corresponding static field (for example a partial Program class) and use it to store the value and use it in Map:

Top-level statement (Program.cs):

ApiVersionSet versionSet = application.NewApiVersionSet().HasApiVersion(new ApiVersion(1.0)).ReportApiVersions().Build();
VersionSet  = versionSet;
application.MapEndpoints(); // use Program.VersionSet in IEndpoint.Map implementation

// end of top-level statement
static partial class Program
    internal static ApiVersionSet VersionSet {get;set;}

But I would argue that making ApiVersionSet a parameter of IEndpoint.Map and ApplicationBuilderExtensions.MapEndpoints would be a much better approach:

public interface IEndpoint {
  void Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder builder, ApiVersionSet versionSet);  

public static class ApplicationBuilderExtensions {
  public static IEndpointRouteBuilder MapEndpoints(this IEndpointRouteBuilder builder, ApiVersionSet versionSet) {

    using (IServiceScope scope = builder.ServiceProvider.CreateScope()) {
      IEnumerable<IEndpoint> endpoints = scope.ServiceProvider.GetServices<IEndpoint>();

      foreach (IEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
        endpoint.Map(builder, versionSet); // pass it here

    return builder;

And in top-level statement:

ApiVersionSet versionSet = ...;
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