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Removing tick line in recharts react


i'm trying to remove the light gray line that's next to the darker gray line: enter image description here

After searching the rechart library through and through i decided to try and hide it with a css file.

this is the code :

.recharts-layer.recharts-cartesian-axis-tick line{
display: hidden;

I've also tried :

    display:hidden !important;

and still doesn't work.

it's important to note that the css file is linked and when trying to style something else it works.

this is what i see when i inspect and pick the element in the dev tools : enter image description here

any help will be appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

What you need to do is remove the tickLine from YAxis.

Something like that:

   <YAxis tickLine={false} />

You can check more about it in docs API.

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