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how to join first letter of a word with remaining letters of a word?


I am trying to capitalize the first letter of the word, and replace it with smaller first letter of the word. I am done till, capitalizing the first letter but I do not know how to join the first letter with the rest of the letter in the word.

let a="i am using stack overflow and it is great";
function makeCapital(){
  const words=a.split(" ");
  const firstLetter = words.map(letter=>letter.charAt(0));
  const capitalLetter=firstLetter.map(capital=>capital.toUpperCase());
//I do not know how to join this capiltal letter with rest of the letters in a word

CodePudding user response:

You're overcomplicating things here a bit. You can just loop through every word in the sentence (your words array here) and uppercase each of them, then join them back:

const capitalizedWords = words.map(word => word.charAt(0).toUppercase()   word.slice(1)));
const capitalizedSentence = capitalizedWords.join(" ");

slice method resturns a portion of an array, given a start and an end(optional) index.

CodePudding user response:

From your code it looks like you want to capitalize all the words in the string, so this could help:

"I don't know".split(" ").map(word => word[0].toUpperCase()   word.substring(1)).join(" ")
# => I Don't Know

CodePudding user response:

You can use join() on a array of string to "glue it back" to a string

So, if you need to capitalize the first letter of each word, you can do this :

const str = "i am using stack overflow and it is great";
const res = str
  .split(" ")
  .map((w) => {  return w[0].toUpperCase()   w.substring(1); })
  .join(" ");

console.log(res); // I Am Using Stack Overflow And It Is Great

CodePudding user response:

Assuming that you want to capitalize each word of your sentence and want to have something like:

"I Am Using Stack Overflow And It Is Great"

You can achieve it with following code:

makeCapital = (words) =>
  words.split(" ").map(element =>
    element.charAt(0).toUpperCase()   element.substring(1).toLowerCase()
).join(" ");

makeCapital("i am using stack overflow and it is great");

Reference: https://bobbyhadz.com/blog/javascript-capitalize-first-letter-of-each-word-in-array

Or did I misunderstand you?

CodePudding user response:

CSS solution

If you wish to apply capitals to each word in a sentence for display purposes, it is easily (and arguably better) achieved with css using text-transform: capitalize;

All major browsers support this rule, see: https://caniuse.com/?search=text-transform

If you need to do this dynamically, the style can be set using JS.

The following snippet demonstrates both static and dynamic styling using css:

function change() {
document.getElementsByTagName('p')[1].style="text-transform: capitalize;";
p.styled {
  text-transform: capitalize;
<p >i am using stack overflow and it is great</p>
<p>i am using stack overflow and it is great</p>

<button onclick="change()">capitalise</button>

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