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Pandas : A possible one-liner code that iterates through a list within a cell and extracting combina


Instead of confusing by explanation, I'll let the code explain what I'm trying to achieve

I'm comparing a combination in one dataframe with another. The 2 dataframes has the following:

  • an address
  • the string of the articles from which it was extracted (in a list format)

I WANT TO FIND : address-article combination within one file, say reg, that's not present in the other look. The df names refer to the method the addresses were extracted from the articles.

Note: The address when written 'AZ 08' and '08 AZ' should be treated the same.

reg = pd.DataFrame({'Address': {0: 'AZ 08',1: '04 CA',2: '10 FL',3: 'NY 30'}, 
    'Article': {0: '[\'Location AZ 08 here\', \'Went to 08 AZ\']',
                1: '[\'Place 04 CA here\', \'Going to 04 CA\', \'Where is 04 CA\']',
                2: '[\'This is 10 FL \', \'Coming from FL 10\']', 
                3: '[\'Somewhere around NY 30\']'}})

enter image description here

look = pd.DataFrame({'Address': {0: 'AZ 08',1: '04 CA',2: 'NY 30' }, 
    'Article': {0: '[\'Location AZ 08 here\']',
                1: '[\'Place 04 CA here\', \'Going to 04 CA\', \'Where is 04 CA\']',
                2: '[\'Somewhere around NY 30\', \'Almost at 30 NY\']'}})

enter image description here

What i did (able to) find is, the records in which there is a mismatch. But unable to get a address - location level info. My method shown below.

def make_set_expanded(string,review):
    rev_l = ast.literal_eval(review)
    s = set(str(string).lower().split())
    return s

reg_list_expand = reg.apply(lambda x: make_set_expanded(x['Address'], x['Article']), axis=1).to_list()
look_list_expand = look.apply(lambda x: make_set_expanded(x['Address'], x['Article']), axis=1).to_list()

reg_diff = reg[reg.apply(lambda x: 'Yes' if make_set_expanded(x['Address'], x['Article']) in look_list_expand else 'No', axis=1) == 'No']
look_diff = look[look.apply(lambda x: 'Yes' if make_set_expanded(x['Address'], x['Article']) in reg_list_expand else 'No', axis=1) == 'No']

enter image description here enter image description here

The functions, in overall :

  • treates an address 'AZ 08' and '08 AZ' as the same
  • shows missing addresses.
  • shows addresses which came from a diferent article

But instead of showing the whole list as is (i.e including the ones which already has a match), I would like to show only the particular combination thats missing.

For eg in : in reg_diff, instead of showing the whole set again, i'd like to see only the address-article combination : 'AZ 08': 'Went to 08 AZ' in the row.

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, try:

  1. convert your "Article" column from string to list
  2. explode to get each article in a separate row.
  3. outer merge with indicator=True to identify which DataFrame each row comes from
  4. filter the merged dataframe to get the required output.
reg["Article"] = reg["Article"].str[1:-1].str.split(", ")
reg = reg.explode("Article")

look["Article"] = look["Article"].str[1:-1].str.split(", ")
look = look.explode("Article")

merged = reg.merge(look, how="outer", indicator=True)

reg_diff = merged[merged["_merge"].eq("left_only")].drop("_merge", axis=1)
look_diff = merged[merged["_merge"].eq("right_only")].drop("_merge", axis=1)

>>> reg_diff
  Address              Article
1   AZ 08      'Went to 08 AZ'
5   10 FL     'This is 10 FL '
6   10 FL  'Coming from FL 10'

>>> look_diff
  Address            Article
8   NY 30  'Almost at 30 NY'

CodePudding user response:

I'm not fully sure what your logic is looking to do, so I'll start with some example methods that may be useful:

Example of how to use .apply(eval) to format the text as lists. And an example of using .explode() to make those lists into rows.

def format_df(df):
    df = df.copy()
    df.Article = df.Article.apply(eval)
    df = df.explode("Article")
    return df.reset_index(drop=True)

reg, look = [format_df(x) for x in [reg, look]]


  Address                 Article
0   AZ 08     Location AZ 08 here
1   AZ 08           Went to 08 AZ
2   04 CA        Place 04 CA here
3   04 CA          Going to 04 CA
4   04 CA          Where is 04 CA
5   10 FL          This is 10 FL
6   10 FL       Coming from FL 10
7   NY 30  Somewhere around NY 30

  Address                 Article
0   AZ 08     Location AZ 08 here
1   04 CA        Place 04 CA here
2   04 CA          Going to 04 CA
3   04 CA          Where is 04 CA
4   NY 30  Somewhere around NY 30
5   NY 30         Almost at 30 NY

Example of packing rows back into lists:

reg = reg.groupby('Address', as_index=False).agg(list)
look = look.groupby('Address', as_index=False).agg(list)


  Address                                            Article
0   04 CA  [Place 04 CA here, Going to 04 CA, Where is 04...
1   10 FL                [This is 10 FL , Coming from FL 10]
2   AZ 08               [Location AZ 08 here, Went to 08 AZ]
3   NY 30                           [Somewhere around NY 30]

  Address                                            Article
0   04 CA  [Place 04 CA here, Going to 04 CA, Where is 04...
1   AZ 08                              [Location AZ 08 here]
2   NY 30          [Somewhere around NY 30, Almost at 30 NY]
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