I am trying to fill my mongodb document with data from unsplash and randomuser api.
const userdata = await axios.get("https://randomuser.me/api/?results=51");
const imagedat = await axios.get(
I call both apis for 51 results but after 22 results the code under catch gets displayed and only 22 documents get created
how to store all 51 results
const seeddata = async () => {
const userdata = await axios.get("https://randomuser.me/api/?results=51");
const imagedat = await axios.get(
try {
await MemoModel.deleteMany({});
const userarr = await userdata.data;
const imagedata = await imagedat.data;
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i ) {
const data = new MemoModel({
name: {
firstname: `${userarr.results[i].name.first}`,
lastname: `${userarr.results[i].name.last}`,
username: `${userarr.results[i].login.username}`,
about: {
user: `${userarr.results[i].gender} aged ${userarr.results[i].dob.age}. Rotting here for ${userarr.results[i].registered.age} `,
location: {
country: `${
countryarr[Math.floor(Math.random() * countryarr.length)]
state: `${userarr.results[i].location.state}`,
city: `${userarr.results[i].location.city}`,
address: `${userarr.results[i].location.street.name} ,${userarr.results[i].location.street.number}`,
zipcode: `${userarr.results[i].location.postcode}`,
email: {
user: `${userarr.results[i].email}`,
image: {
dp: `${userarr.results[i].picture.large}`,
coverimage: "https://source.unsplash.com/random/?mountains",
posts: {
postno: i,
posttitle: `${imagedata[i].description}`,
postcontent: `${imagedata[i].urls.regular}`,
postlikesno: imagedata[i].likes,
postcommentno: imagedata[i].width,
await data.save();
} catch {
console.log("catastrophic Failure");
seeddata().then(() => {
CodePudding user response:
Can you add (err)
after your catch
and console it instead of "catastrophic error"? It will give us the whole error that break your code:
catch(err) {