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Flutter / iOS : Could not determine bundle id


In my Flutter project, I try to compile and run my app. It works fine on Android but for some reason, out of nowhere, I now have the following error when I run my app on iOS:

2022-06-11 16:21:02.274 ios-deploy[42320:338779] [ !! ] [ ERROR] Could not determine bundle id.
Could not run build/ios/iphoneos/Runner.app on 00008030-001C085222DA803E.

So here is what I checked:

  • Info.plist: there is Bundle identifier with the value $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)
  • In TARGETS > Runner > Build Settings > Packaging > Product Bundle Identifier, I have the expected value (my package name)
  • In TARGETS > Runner > General > Bundle Identifier, the value is set as expected (my package name)
  • In TARGETS > Runner > Build Settings > Packaging > Info.plist File, I have the correct location: Runner/Info.plist
  • I tried flutter clean, Invalidate caches & Restart on Android Studio, Clean Build Folder on Xcode
  • I tried even more cleaning as explained preview

    EDIT /Users//Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

    remove all contents of this folder and from Xcode go to product, clean build folder and then build again


    Change use Release for command line builds to debug and build once. Then switch it back to release

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