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How to use Perl pack to convert UTF-16 surrogate pairs to UTF-8?


I have input strings which contain text in which some characters are in UTF-16 format and escaped with '\u'. I am trying to, in Perl, convert all the strings to UTF-8. For example, the string 'Alice & Bob & Carol' might be formatted in the input as:

'Alice \u0026 Bob \u0026 Carol'

To do my desired conversion, I was doing...:

$str =~ s/\\u([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})/pack("U", hex($1))/eg;

...which worked fine until I got to input strings that contained UTF-16 surrogate pairs like:

'Alice \ud83d\ude06 Bob'

How do I modify the above code that uses pack to work with UTF-16 surrogate pairs? I would really like a solution that just uses pack without having to use any additional libraries (JSON::XS, Encode, etc.).

CodePudding user response:

pack/unpack have no knowledge of UTF-16 text, just UTF-8 (And UTF-EBCDIC). You have to decode the surrogate pairs manually since you don't want to use a module.

#!/usr/bin/env perl                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
use strict;
use warnings;
use open qw/:locale/;
use feature qw/say/;

my $str = 'Alice \ud83d\ude06 Bob \u0026 Carol';

# Convert surrogate pairs encoded as two \uXXXX sequences
# Only match valid surrogate pairs so adjacent non-pairs aren't counted as one
$str =~ s/\\u((?i)D[89AB]\p{AHex}{2}) # High surrogate in range 0xD800–0xDBFF
          \\u((?i)D[CDEF]\p{AHex}{2}) #  Low surrogate in range 0xDC00–0xDFFF
         /chr( ((hex($1) - 0xD800) * 0x400)   (hex($2) - 0xDC00)   0x10000 )/xge;
# Convert single \uXXXX sequences
$str =~ s/\\u(\p{AHex}{4})/chr hex $1/ge;

say $str;


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