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How to filter a column where you need to separate the data into 4 groups and calculate the percentag


I have a column (x) with values ​​from 0 to 100. I need to separate in 4 groups with the conditions:

  • Group 1: x <= 17
  • Group 2: x > 17 and x <=50
  • Group 3: x>50 and x <=83
  • Group 4: x>83

And calculate the percentage

CodePudding user response:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

First i'm creating bins and as cut-off points and assign the names to those bins:

bins = [0, 17, 50, 83, np.inf]
names = ['Group 1', 'Group 2', 'Group 3', 'Group 4]

We can create a column, let's say 'Groups' and create your specific categories inside this newly created column.

df['Groups'] = pd.cut(df['x'], bins, labels=names

percentages can be calculated by getting the length of the group divided by the total length. For example:

len(df[df['Groups'] == 'Group 1']) / len(df)

Would give you a decimal number. You could do *100 to get the exact percentage.

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