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Get a list of ansible hosts for bash script


The goal:
I want to get a list of ansible hosts (could be made out of the ansible inventory e.g.) and each element should be separated by a space. The reason for that is that I want to run a bash script which needs a list attached to it like script.sh host_1 host_2 host_3 ...

The problem:
I need to specify one host, which needs to be in front of every other host e.g. script.sh **host_2.example.de** host_1.example.de host_3.example.de ...

My ansible inventory.ini example looks like:


host_1.example.de host_template=Utility1 
host_2.example.de host_template=Utility2 

host_3.example.de host_template=Master1 
host_4.example.de host_template=Master2

CodePudding user response:

To do exactly what you're asking, you could do something like this:

$ hosts=$(ansible-inventory -i hosts --list  |
  jq  -r '[values[]|.hosts|select(.)[]]|unique[]')
$ echo $hosts
host_1.example.de host_2.example.de host_3.example.de host_4.example.de

This uses ansible-inventory to produce a JSON dump of your inventory, and then jq to query that for a list of hosts.

But that seems like a terrible idea.

Since you're already using Ansible, why not just use Ansible to run your script? Use a playbook like this:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    - name: Run script
      command: ./script.sh {{ groups.all|join(' ') }}

To ensure that host_2 is the first host, you could write:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  become: true
    - name: Run script
      command: ./script.sh {{ groups.manager|join(' ') }} {{ groups.all|reject("in", groups.manager)|join(' ') }}
      register: res

    - debug:
        var: res.stdout

This will ensure that members of the manager group are always at the front of the list of host.s

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