Home > database >  How to update an HTML table after writing form data to the spreadsheet?
How to update an HTML table after writing form data to the spreadsheet?


I have a web page, which contains a form and an html table.

  1. The user fills out the form;
  2. Clicks on ;
  3. A client side function prepares the data and have google.script.run.newTask(dataSet); pass the data to the server-side
  4. Another function gets it, makes a tweak or two and writes it to the spreadsheet;
  5. Run another function that builds that HTML table, bringing the latest data just written

There are not errors, but the table is not built. Do I have to use setTimeout() or something that makes the last function wait for the previous ones to finish?

Here's the client side function:

function addTaskToSheet() {
  var formElements = document.getElementById("form").elements;
  var postData = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < formElements.length; i  ) {
    if (formElements[i].type != "submit" && formElements[i].type != 'checkbox') { //we dont want to include the submit-buttom
    } else if (formElements[i].type == 'checkbox' && formElements[i].checked == true) {
    } else if (formElements[i].type == 'checkbox' && !formElements[i].checked) {

  let timeStamp = new Date();
  timeStamp = timeStamp.toString();
  const agencyPartner = document.getElementById('agencySelect');
  const selectedAgency = agencyPartner.options[agencyPartner.selectedIndex].text;

  const client = document.getElementById('clientSelect');
  const selectedClient = client.options[client.selectedIndex].text;
  let dateAssigned = postData[1].toString();
  const item = postData[0];
  const link = postData[2];
  const notes = postData[3];
  const requestApproval = postData[4];

  let dataSet = [];
  dataSet.push(timeStamp, selectedAgency, selectedClient, '', '', dateAssigned, item, link, notes, '', requestApproval, '', '', '')
  setTimeout(loadClientTasks(selectedClient), 3000);

Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

If another function of Run another function that builds that HTML table, bringing the latest data just written is loadClientTasks, how about the following modification?


setTimeout(loadClientTasks(selectedClient), 3000);


google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(_ => loadClientTasks(selectedClient)).newTask(dataSet);
  • By this modification, loadClientTasks(selectedClient) is run after newTask(dataSet) was finished.


  • If you are required to use setTimeout, in the case of setTimeout(loadClientTasks(selectedClient), 3000), loadClientTasks is run soon because of (selectedClient) of loadClientTasks(selectedClient). In this case, how about the following modification?

    • To

        setTimeout(loadClientTasks.bind(undefined, selectedClient), 3000);
    • or, if you are required to wait after newTask was finished, how about the following modification?

        google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(_ => setTimeout(loadClientTasks.bind(undefined, selectedClient), 3000)).newTask(dataSet);


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