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React infinite/max-level comment for each news post


I have a News feature where user can post their status. However, so far, I cannot make it display all comments of the news as my current solution only allows two-level only. Here are my codes:

News.js (for all)

function News() {

    const {userId, setUserId} = useContext(UserContext);
    const {type, isUserType} = useContext(UserTypeContext);

    const [newsList, setNewsList] = useState([]);

    const rootNews = newsList.filter(
        (newList) => newList.reply_of === null

    const getReplies = commentId => {
        return newsList.filter(newList => newList.reply_of === commentId);

        .then((response) => {
            if(response.data.length > 0){




return (
    <div className = "news p-5">
        <h3 className="news-title">News</h3>
        <div className = "comments-container">
            {rootNews.map((rootNew) => (
                    <Comment key={rootNew.news_id} 

Comment.js (for rendering the comments and replies)

function Comment({comment, replies}) {
  return (
    <div className="comment">
        <div className="comment-image-container">
            <img src = "/user-icon.png" />
        <div className="comment-right-part">
            <div className="comment-content">
                <div className="comment-author">
                <div>{comment.day}, {moment(comment.date).format('DD-MM-YYYY')} at {comment.time}</div>
            <div className="comment-text">{comment.news_title}</div>
            {replies.length > 0 && (
                <div className="replies">
                    {replies.map(reply => (
                        <Comment comment={reply} key={reply.news_id} replies={[]}/>

This is an example on how the comment structure would look like:

Comment 1
 Reply 1.1
  Reply 1.1.1
 Reply 1.2
Comment 2

An idea on how I could render infinite replies, or possibly set the maximum level of replies allowed? Thank you

CodePudding user response:

You just need a little change to the Comment component to recursively render the already nested data structure:

function Comment({ comment, newsList }) {
  const replies = newsList.filter((newList) => newList.reply_of === comment.news_id);

  return (
    <div className="comment">
      <div className="comment-image-container">
        <img src="/user-icon.png" />
      <div className="comment-right-part">
        <div className="comment-content">
          <div className="comment-author">{comment.user_name}</div>
            {comment.day}, {moment(comment.date).format("DD-MM-YYYY")} at{" "}
        <div className="comment-text">{comment.news_title}</div>
        {replies.length > 0 && (
          <div className="replies">
            {replies.map((reply) => (
              <Comment key={reply.news_id} comment={reply} newsList={newsList} />

Basically, you just move the code that gets the direct replies to a comment into the Comment component.

When you render the root Comment component, all direct replies to the root comment will be identified and will cause the rendering of nested Comment components, which will in turn identify the replies to the reply, render a nested Comment component and so on.

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