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Placeholder get first word and ignore others


I have this js code :

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const Ticket = require('../models/Ticket');
const db = require("../models/deskmodedb");
const Ocorrencia = require('../models/Ocorrencia');

router.get('/detalhes-ticket/:cod_ticket', function(req, res) {
    console.log('Request Id:', req.params.cod_ticket);
    var ticketControl;

    ticketControl = Ticket.sync().then(function() {
        return db.sequelize.query(
            'SELECT cod_ticket, titulo_ticket, descricao_ticket, status_ticket, tipo_ticket, data_abertura FROM ticket WHERE cod_ticket IN  (:codigo_ticket) ', {
                replacements: { codigo_ticket: req.params.cod_ticket },
                type: db.Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
    }).then((tickets) => {
        ticketControl = tickets
    }).catch((err) => { console.log('error'   err) })
    ocorrenciaControl = Ocorrencia.sync().then(function() {
        return db.sequelize.query(
            'SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY cod_ocorrencia ASC) AS Row, cod_ticket_f, conteudo_ocorrencia, cod_ocorrencia,data_ocorrencia FROM ocorrencia WHERE cod_ticket_f IN (:codigo_ticket) ', {
                replacements: { codigo_ticket: req.params.cod_ticket },
                type: db.Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT
            }).then((ocorrenciaControl) => {
            res.render('detalhesTicket', {
                tickets: ticketControl,
                ocorrencias: ocorrenciaControl,
                style: 'global.css'

I get a ticket (Line in my ticket table) and get a ocorrence with the ticket number and send for my page detalhesTicket.handlebars.

In my detalhesTicket.handlebars i show the values with {{variable}}:

{{#each tickets}}
         <h1 >
            Detalhes do Ticket <span id="cod_ticket">#{{cod_ticket}}</span>
<div >
   <!-- Cabeçalho Ticket -->
   <div >
      <div >
         <label for="titulo_ticket" >Titulo do ticket</label>
         <input  type="text"  id="titulo_ticket" placeholder={{titulo_ticket}} disabled>
         <label for="descricao_ticket" >Descrição do ticket</label>
         <textarea  id="descricao_ticket" rows="4" disabled>{{descricao_ticket}}</textarea>
      <div >
         <div >
            <button  type="button" id="tempo_aberto">
            <button  type="button" id="status_ticket">
            <button  type="button" id="tipo_ticket">
            <button  type="button" id="setor_usuario">
            Setor do usuário
            <button  type="button" id="nome_usuario">
            Nome do usuário
            <button  type="button" id="email_usuario">
            Email do usuário
   {{!-- O each da ocorrencia começa aqui  --}}
   {{#each ocorrencias}}
   <!-- Ocorrências -->
   <div >
      <div >
         <div >
            <div >
               <label for="titulo_ticket" >Ocorrência <span id="cod_ocorrencia">#{{Row}}</span></label>
            <div >
               <span id="data_ocorrencia">{{data_ocorrencia}} </span>
         <input type="text"   id="titulo_ticket" placeholder={{conteudo_ocorrencia}} disabled>
   {{!-- E terminaria aqui  --}}

My variable conteudo_ocorrencia has the value "aucto nunc nulla vulputate". When i render my page to show the value the value apper in this format:

enter image description here

My corret value need be plaseholder"aucto nunc nulla vulputate". How to add my all variable valor in plaseholder ?

CodePudding user response:

You should use quotes like this:

<input type="text"   id="titulo_ticket" placeholder="{{conteudo_ocorrencia}}" disabled>
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