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How can such a situation line column, consult the


Employee name completion project completed category value
Zhang SAN project A 50 61%
Zhang SAN project B 60 70%
Zhang SAN 80% C 70
Li si A 55 67%
Li si project 45 78% B
Li si 80% C 76

To the following:
Name the project A complete project B values completion rate values completion project C complete completion
Zhang SAN 50 60 61% 70%, 70 80%
Li si 55 67% 45 78%, 76 80%

CodePudding user response:

suggest building Lord raise junction post rate
The test data
 -If not object_id (N 'Tempdb for.. # T ') is null 
Drop table # T
The Create table # T ([employee name] nvarchar (22), [items] nvarchar (23), the complete value [] nvarchar (23), [completion] nvarchar (23))
Insert # T
Select N 'Joe', N 'project A, 50, N' 61% 'union all
Select N 'Joe', N 'project B, 60, N' 70% 'union all
Select N 'Joe', N 'project C, 70, N' 80% 'union all
Select N 'bill', N 'A' project, 55, N '67%' union all
Select N 'bill', N 'project B, 45, N' 78% 'union all
Select N 'bill', N 'project C, 76, N' 80% '
- the end of the test data
The SET @ SQL='the select [employee name]'
SELECT SQL + SQL=@ @ ', Max (case/project categories when "' + [items]
+ "' then complete value [] else null end) [' + [items] + 'complete value]' + ', Max (case/project categories when" '+ [items]
+ "' then [completion] else null end) [' + [items] + 'completion]'
[the project category]
The FROM # T
) a
+ 'from # T group by [employee name]'
The EXEC (@ SQL)

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