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calling function in a loop for several lists python


I have written a function in python which takes three input variables. Now I want to call the function on a list of items for each input variables. So the function call is like this:

 call_function('cat', 'brown', 2)

The lists are:

 category_list = ['cat', 'dog', 'squirrel']
 color_list = ['brown', 'black']
 age = [1,2,3]

Now I want to run function on each item. So it should return results for cat, brown and 1, and then cat, brown and 2, and then cat, brown and 3 and then cat, black and 1, and then cat, black and 2, and then cat, black and 3 and then do the same for dog and then for squirrel. I know that I will need to call the function in a loop, but I tried and failed several times. Could someone please help me with this?

CodePudding user response:

use itertools, it does the job for you, really simple to call the product function.

supply the variables to itertools.product(....)) as paramaters then list() the response.


import itertools
category_list = ['cat', 'dog', 'squirrel']
color_list = ['brown', 'black']
age = [1,2,3]

def call_function(category, color, age):
    print(category, color, age)

combinations = list(itertools.product(category_list, color_list, age))
for combintaion in combinations:
    call_function(combintaion[0], combintaion[1], combintaion[2])


cat brown 1
cat brown 2
cat brown 3
cat black 1
cat black 2
cat black 3
dog brown 1
dog brown 2
dog brown 3
dog black 1
dog black 2
dog black 3
squirrel brown 1
squirrel brown 2
squirrel brown 3
squirrel black 1
squirrel black 2
squirrel black 3


Test enter image description here

code for method from itertools

def product(*args, repeat=1):
    # product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
    # product(range(2), repeat=3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
    pools = [tuple(pool) for pool in args] * repeat
    result = [[]]
    for pool in pools:
        result = [x [y] for x in result for y in pool]
    for prod in result:
        yield tuple(prod)

CodePudding user response:

here is another way to do it, using pd.apply, after creating a dataframe using itertools.product

import itertools  

category_list = ['cat', 'dog', 'squirrel']
color_list = ['brown', 'black']
age = [1,2,3]

        category_list, color_list, age
    )), columns=['category', 'color', 'age'])

df.apply(lambda row: call_function(row['category'], row['color'], row['age']), axis=1)


cat brown 1
cat brown 2
cat brown 3
cat black 1
cat black 2
cat black 3
dog brown 1
dog brown 2
dog brown 3
dog black 1
dog black 2
dog black 3
squirrel brown 1
squirrel brown 2
squirrel brown 3
squirrel black 1
squirrel black 2
squirrel black 3

enter image description here

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