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Mysql link problem


Good god! First request for help, the following is the problem description: Java program starting from zero every day, every three hours to run a batch of zero point error, 3 points is normal, 6 errors, 9 PM is normal, and so on, the was server, database links with the was data sources, mysql wait_timeout=72 hours, program error information is as follows:
2017-11-19 00:00:00 26462930 INFO com. CDC. Monitor. Action. ConnectionLiveBatchJob - mission: keep connection to start...
2017-11-19 00:00:00 26462947 INFO com. CDC. Core. Dao. The JdbcTemplate - queryForInt (String) : SELECT COUNT (ID) FROM MONITOR_CONF
2017-11-19 00:00:00 26462949 ERROR com. CDC. Monitor. Dao. ClientBatchJobDao - 2017-11-19 00:00:00. 026 calls ClientBatchJobDao connectionLive method ERROR: org. Springframework. Dao. DataAccessResourceFailureException: StatementCallback; SQL [SELECT COUNT (ID) FROM MONITOR_CONF]; Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from The server was 10799717 milliseconds line. The last packet sent successfully to The server was 0 milliseconds line.; Nested exception is com. IBM. Websphere. Ce. Cm. StaleConnectionException: Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from The server was 10799717 milliseconds line. The last packet sent successfully to The server was 0 milliseconds line.
2017-11-19 00:00:00 26462949 ERROR com. CDC. Monitor. Action. ConnectionLiveBatchJob - keep the connection fails! The reason for the error is as follows:
Java. Lang. RuntimeException: org. Springframework. Dao. DataAccessResourceFailureException: StatementCallback; SQL [SELECT COUNT (ID) FROM MONITOR_CONF]; Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from The server was 10799717 milliseconds line. The last packet sent successfully to The server was 0 milliseconds line.; Nested exception is com. IBM. Websphere. Ce. Cm. StaleConnectionException: Communications link failure

The last packet successfully received from The server was 10799717 milliseconds line. The last packet sent successfully to The server was 0 milliseconds line.
At com. CDC. Monitor. Dao. ClientBatchJobDao. ConnectionLive (ClientBatchJobDao. Java: 34)
At com. CDC. Monitor. Dao. ClientBatchJobDao $$FastClassByCGLIB $$545 a3a9b. Invoke (& lt; Generated>)
At net. Sf. Additional. Proxy. MethodProxy. Invoke (MethodProxy. Java: 149)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. The Cglib2AopProxy $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor. Intercept (617). The Cglib2AopProxy Java:
At com. CDC. Monitor. Dao. ClientBatchJobDao $$EnhancerByCGLIB $$661 de0 connectionLive (& lt; Generated>)
At com. CDC. Monitor. Service. Impl. JobServiceImpl. ConnectionLive (JobServiceImpl. Java: 79)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 60)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 37)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (611) Method. The Java:
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Support. AopUtils. InvokeJoinpointUsingReflection (AopUtils. Java: 309)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. JdkDynamicAopProxy. Invoke (JdkDynamicAopProxy. Java: 196)
The at $Proxy113. ConnectionLive (Unknown Source)
At com. CDC. Monitor. Action. ConnectionLiveBatchJob. ConnLive (28) ConnectionLiveBatchJob. Java:
At com. CDC. Monitor. Action. ConnectionLiveBatchJob $$$$bf9c9578 FastClassByCGLIB. Invoke (& lt; Generated>)
At net. Sf. Additional. Proxy. MethodProxy. Invoke (MethodProxy. Java: 149)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. The Cglib2AopProxy $CglibMethodInvocation. InvokeJoinpoint (688). The Cglib2AopProxy Java:
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 150)
The at org. Springframework. Transaction. The interceptor. TransactionInterceptor. Invoke (TransactionInterceptor. Java: 110)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 172)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Interceptor. ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Invoke (ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Java: 89)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 172)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. The Cglib2AopProxy $DynamicAdvisedInterceptor. Intercept (621). The Cglib2AopProxy Java:
At com. CDC. Monitor. Action. ConnectionLiveBatchJob $$EnhancerByCGLIB $$29 e31a1b. ConnLive (& lt; Generated>)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 60)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 37)
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (611) Method. The Java:
The at org. Springframework. Util. MethodInvoker. Invoke (MethodInvoker. Java: 273)
The at org. Springframework. Scheduling. Quartz. MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean $MethodInvokingJob. ExecuteInternal (MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean. Java: 264)
The at org. Springframework. Scheduling. Quartz. QuartzJobBean. Execute (QuartzJobBean. Java: 86)
The at org. Quartz. Core. JobRunShell. Run (JobRunShell. Java: 202)
The at org. Quartz. Simpl. SimpleThreadPool $WorkerThread. Run (SimpleThreadPool. Java: 525)
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