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Mongo under Linux collapse, I can't understand what his log, can help analyze?


Because there are too many words, I will post a few common log,,, ask bosses help and see what he say what mean?

2017-11-13T09:00:00.337+0800 I COMMAND [conn13] command ctpminutedb.l1805 command: insert { insert: "l1805", writeConcern: {}, ordered: true, documents: [ { _id: 1510297200000, exchange: "", symbol: "l1805", open: 9800.0, high: 9800.0, low: 9800.0, close: 9800.0, volume: 4.0, datetime: new Date(1510297200000), date: "2017-11-10", time: "15:00:00.0", openInterest: 158906.0 } ] } ninserted:1 keysInserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:44 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 1, w: 1 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { w: 1 } } } protocol:op_query 109ms

Similar to the log has more than N, the nearer the collapse time this log, the more it is done? Can't insert into it? The 109 ms for so long time is what use?

The 2017-11-18 T15: destruction. 485 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn30] COMMAND ctpminutedb. Rb1801 appName: "mongo Shell" COMMAND: find {find: "rb1801", the filter: {}, limit: 5.0, singleBatch: false, sort: {datetime: 1.0}} planSummary: COLLSCAN keysExamined: 0 docsExamined: 68222 hasSortStage: 1 cursorExhausted: 1 numYields: 534 nreturned: 5 reslen: 1136 the locks: {Global: {acquireCount: {r: 1070}}, the Database: {acquireCount: {r: 535}}, Collection: {acquireCount: {r: 535}}} protocol: op_command 144 ms

This again is why didn't look too understand

The 2017-11-28 T04:13:58. 690 + 0800 I COMMAND/FTDC serverStatus was very missile: {after basic: 21, after asserts: 57, after backgroundFlushing: 84, after connections: 123, after dur: 172, after extra_info: 248, after the globalLock: 369, after the locks: 430, after the network: 430, after opLatencies: 481, after opcounters: 521, after opcountersRepl: 531, after repl: 721, after storageEngine: 831, after tcmalloc: 922, after wiredTiger: 1174, at the end: 1537}
The 2017-11-28 T04:14:02. 901 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn33] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 498 ms
The 2017-11-28 T04:14:02. 937 + 0800 I COMMAND/FTDC serverStatus was very missile: {after basic: 68, after asserts: 131, after backgroundFlushing: 221, after connections: 324, after dur: 356, after extra_info: 442, after the globalLock: 486, after the locks: 612, after the network: 655, after opLatencies: 710, after opcounters: 742, after opcountersRepl: 786, after repl: 928, after storageEngine: 1007, after tcmalloc: 1159, after wiredTiger: 1903, at the end: 2582}
The 2017-11-28 T04:14:05. 264 + 0800 I COMMAND/FTDC serverStatus was very missile: {after basic: 82, after asserts: 126, after backgroundFlushing: 145, after connections: 182, after dur: 204, after extra_info: 329, after the globalLock: 429, after the locks: 555, after the network: 573, after opLatencies: 627, after opcounters: 652, after opcountersRepl: 688, after repl: 719, after storageEngine: 743, after tcmalloc: 775, after wiredTiger: 924, at the end: 1097}
The 2017-11-28 T04:14:09. 200 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn38] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 148 ms
The T04:2017-11-28 and. 644 + 0800 I COMMAND/FTDC serverStatus was very missile: {after basic: 39, after asserts: 66, after backgroundFlushing: 78, after connections: 110, after dur: 110, after extra_info: 132, after the globalLock: 142, after the locks: 264, after the network: 264, after opLatencies: 299, after opcounters: 339, after opcountersRepl: 368, after repl: 435, after storageEngine: 653, after tcmalloc: 819, after wiredTiger: 1238, at the end: 1537}
The 2017-11-28 T04: [. 689 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn38] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 150 ms
He T04:2017-11-28. 163 + 0800 I COMMAND/FTDC serverStatus was very missile: {after basic: 46, after asserts: 65, after backgroundFlushing: 65, after connections: 106, after dur: 124, after extra_info: 161, after the globalLock: 179, after the locks: 196, after the network: 230, after opLatencies: 245, after opcounters: 257, after opcountersRepl: 279, after repl: 329, after storageEngine: 360, after tcmalloc: 393, after wiredTiger: 902, at the end: 1066}
The T04:2017-11-28 and. 885 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn33] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 103 ms
The 2017-11-28 T04:20:02. 734 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn38] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 274 ms
The 2017-11-28 T04:20:06. 542 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn33] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 154 ms
The 2017-11-28 T04: were. 435 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn38] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 112 ms
The 2017-11-28 T04: behold. 924 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn33] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 124 ms
The 2017-11-28 T04:22:04. 562 + 0800 I COMMAND [conn38] COMMAND admin. $CMD COMMAND: isMaster {1} isMaster: numYields: 0 reslen: 189 the locks: {} protocol: op_query 126 ms

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