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Subtotals grouped by supplier name


I have a collection with store orders ("from customers" and "to suppliers") having this structure:

  "orderNo": 1000,
  "orderItem": 0,
  "orderType": "CUST",
  "company": {
    "name": "CUSTOMER GMBH",
    "uic": "DE300000XX"
  "custPO": {
    "grandTotal_eur": 146,
    "products": [
        "product": {
          "code": "PROD-1000",
          "title": "Product title 1000",
          "toBuy": true,
          "supplier": {
            "code": "PROD-SUPP-1000",
            "title": "Product supplier title 1000",
            "company": {
              "name": "SUPPLIER ONE GMBH",
              "uic": "DE1000XXXX"
            "price": 6
        "qty": 5,
        "price": 10,
        "valueTotal": 50
        "product": {
          "code": "PROD-2000",
          "title": "Product title 2000",
          "toBuy": true,
          "supplier": {
            "code": "PROD-SUPP-2000",
            "title": "Product supplier title 2000",
            "company": {
              "name": "SUPPLIER TWO GMBH",
              "uic": "DE2000XXXX"
            "price": 15
        "qty": 2,
        "price": 20,
        "valueTotal": 40
        "product": {
            "code": "PROD-1010",
            "title": "Product title 1010",
            "toBuy": true,
            "supplier": {
              "code": "PROD-SUPP-1010",
              "title": "Product supplier title 1010",
              "company": {
                "name": "SUPPLIER ONE GMBH",
                "uic": "DE1000XXXX"
              "price": 2 
        "qty": 2,
        "price": 3,
        "valueTotal": 6
        "product": {
          "code": "TRANS",
          "title": "Transport fees"
        "qty": 1,
        "price": 50,
        "valueTotal": 50
  "orderNo": 1000,
  "orderItem": 1,
  "orderType": "SUPP",
  "company": {
    "name": "SUPPLIER ONE GMBH",
    "uic": "DE1000XXXX"
  "suppPO": {
    "grandTotal_eur": 34,
    "products": [
        "product": {
          "code": "PROD-SUPP-1000",
          "title": "Product supplier title 1000"
        "qty": 5,
        "price": 6,
        "valueTotal": 30
        "product": {
            "code": "PROD-SUPP-1010",
            "title": "Product supplier title 1010"
        "qty": 2,
        "price": 2,
        "valueTotal": 4

In general, each customer order (eg. 1000-0), based on the products from the shopping list, is later transposed to multiple supplier orders (eg. 1000-1, 1000-2).

What I need to do, is to create a MongoDB aggregate that output the sum of valueTotal for all products marked as toBuy, grouped by supplier (supplier is represented by custPO.products.$.product.supplier.company.name)

At the end the result should be something like this:

  "orderNo": 1000,
  "company": {
    "name": "CUSTOMER GMBH",
    "uic": "DE300000XX"
  "totals": [{
    "supplierName": "SUPPLIER ONE GMBH",
    "supplierTotal": 56
    "supplierName": "SUPPLIER TWO GMBH",
    "supplierTotal": 40
    "supplierName": null,
    "supplierTotal": 50

Structure of the output can be adjusted based on the possibilities, important is to touch the sum and supplier name.

Please help me with some hints or a solution, if it is possible to do it with one aggregate. Latest versions are used.

CodePudding user response:

  1. $unwind - Deconstruct custPO.products array to multiple documents.

  2. $match - Filter the documents with "custPO.products.product.toBuy": true.

  3. $group - Group by orderNo and supplierName.

    3.1. Get company via $first.

    3.2. Sum custPO.products.valueTotal as supplierTotal.

  4. $group - Group by orderNo.

    3.1. Get company via $first.

    3.2. Push the documents with supplierName and supplierTotal into totals array.

    $unwind: "$custPO.products"
    $match: {
      "custPO.products.product.toBuy": true
    $group: {
      _id: {
        orderNo: "$orderNo",
        supplierName: "$custPO.products.product.supplier.company.name"
      company: {
        $first: "$company"
      "supplierTotal": {
        $sum: "$custPO.products.valueTotal"
    $group: {
      _id: "$_id.orderNo",
      company: {
        $first: "$company"
      "totals": {
        $push: {
          "supplierName": "$_id.supplierName",
          "supplierTotal": "$supplierTotal"

Sample Mongo Playground

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