Home > database >  Need to add a watermark to ReportingServices2008r2 statements, you have any good Suggestions?
Need to add a watermark to ReportingServices2008r2 statements, you have any good Suggestions?


There are about 300 stock report, how to add batch?
You need to add on the working and the current time,

CodePudding user response:

1: watermark generated code
Using System;
using System.Data;
Using System. The Configuration;
using System.Drawing;
Using System. Drawing. Imaging;

///& lt; summary>
///WatermarkCreater summary description
///& lt;/summary>
Public class WatermarkCreater
Public WatermarkCreater ()
//TODO: join construct the function code in the

Private Bitmap CreateImage (string code, string width, the string height, string pLeft, string pTop, string the font, string fColor, string bColor, string r)
Color the cF=Color. FromArgb (int. Parse (fColor. Substring (2, 2), System. Globalization. NumberStyles. AllowHexSpecifier), int. J Parse (fColor. Substring (4, 2), System. Globalization. NumberStyles. AllowHexSpecifier), int. J Parse (fColor. Substring (6, 2), System. Globalization. NumberStyles. AllowHexSpecifier));
Color cB=Color. FromArgb (int. Parse (bColor. Substring (2, 2), System. Globalization. NumberStyles. AllowHexSpecifier), int. J Parse (bColor. Substring (4, 2), System. Globalization. NumberStyles. AllowHexSpecifier), int. J Parse (bColor. Substring (6, 2), System. Globalization. NumberStyles. AllowHexSpecifier));

System. Drawing. SolidBrush sb=new SolidBrush (cF).
String [] FSTR=the font. The Split (', ');
The Font f=new Font (FSTR [0]. The Split ('=') [1], (float) Convert. ToInt32 (FSTR [1]. The Split ('=') [1]), FontStyle. Regular, (GraphicsUnit) Convert. ToInt32 (FSTR [2]. The Split ('=') [1]), the Convert. ToByte (FSTR [3]. The Split ('=') [1]), the Convert. ToBoolean (FSTR [4]. The Split ('=') [1]));
Bitmap BMP=new Bitmap (Convert ToInt32 (width), Convert the ToInt32 (height));
Graphics g=Graphics. FromImage (BMP);
Right to Lear (Color. White);
G.R otateTransform ((float) Convert ToDouble (r));
G.D rawString (code, f, sb, new PointF (Convert. ToInt32 (pLeft), Convert the ToInt32 (pTop)));

Return BMP.

Public byte [] GetImageByte (string code, string config)
String [] configs=config. Split ('; ');
Bitmap im=CreateImage (code, configs [0]. The Split (' : ') [1], configs [1]. The Split (' : ') [1], configs [2]. The Split (' : ') [1], configs [3]. The Split (' : ') [1], configs [4], configs [5]. The Split (' : ') [1], configs [6]. The Split (' : ') [1], configs [7]. The Split (' : ') [1]).
System. IO. MemoryStream ms=new System. IO. MemoryStream ();
Im. Save (ms, ImageFormat. Bmp);
Return Ms. GetBuffer ();
2: keep the watermark to the database, the database type for image

3: the watermark query, as a data source into reports, and then the report can be added to the background of

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