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firestore delete a specific document using Java


Connected to the Firestore database using below code,

Query query = dbFirestore.collection("collectionName").whereEqualTo("columnName ==",XXX);
ApiFuture<QuerySnapshot> apiFutureResults = query.get();

From ApiFuture, apiFutureResults.get() ? How to delete the list of documents one by one from here. In my case its only one document for the given condition. I don't see any delete function underneath apiFutureResults .

FYI. This is pure Java Application. No Android. So No listeners please.

CodePudding user response:

To delete the list of documents one by one, you can use the delete() function as in the following example:

// [START firestore_data_delete_doc]
// asynchronously delete a document

ApiFuture<WriteResult> writeResult = db.collection("cities").document("DC").delete();

// ...

System.out.println("Update time : "   writeResult.get().getUpdateTime());

// [END firestore_data_delete_doc]

It is important to note that Cloud Firestore does not automatically remove the documents in its subcollections when you delete a document. By reference, you can still access the papers in the subcollection.

A document must be deleted manually along with all of the documents contained in any subcollections.

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