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Filter elements in for


I have the next command that returns the following output

kubectl get pods


NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
svc-admin-async-6d4cd4989f-8lzcq          1/1     Running            0          4d7h
svc-admin-c795b488d-kpcsn                 1/1     Running            0          3d2h
svc-admin-c795b488d-m9mjg                 1/1     Running            0          7d6h
svc-bpm-inbox-77fffc4d89-cx7g7            1/1     Running            0          7d6h
svc-bpm-tasks-654695689d-spvt7            1/1     Running            0          3d17h
svc-bpm-tasks-654695689d-wrclq            1/1     Running            0          3d17h
svc-claim-78b7d8db99-9m6zs                1/1     Running            0          120m
svc-claim-78b7d8db99-qvq9m                1/1     Running            0          120m

I need to list only pods that starts with a given parameter. For example, if the param is svc-bpm-tasks, only should to show:


I have the following script, but I dont know how to filter:

set param_to_filter=%~1

FOR /F "skip=1" %%I in ('kubectl get pods') DO (
    :: if %%I starts_with param_to_filter
    echo %%I

Thanks for your help

CodePudding user response:

FOR /F %%I in ('kubectl get pods^|findstr /i /b "%~1"') DO (

should do what you want.

The caret escapes the pipe, telling cmd that the pipe is part of the command to be executed.

findstr finds any string that /b begins with the string %~1, which is the first parameter to the batch.

The skip is no longer needed as the header line would not start with any of the target strings.

The /i is optional, making the match case-insensitive.

! Do not use :: comments in a code block (parenthesised sequence of lines) as it's actually a broken label, which confuses cmd. Use rem in code blocks.

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