My character has a chinemachine camera attached to it and it is moving perfectly fine. But when I move my mouse to change the camera direction it is not looking in that direction. And I can't figure out how to make it look in that direction.
I have a reference to the original camera at the top of the script by the name cam.
The script has different functions for movement, rotation, animation, etc.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
//so that unity recognises the callbacks ctx passed to the movementinput
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class AnimationAndMovController : MonoBehaviour
public Transform cam;
public float speed;
//here we are creadting three vars for the animation
//vector2 currentMovementInput stores the input axis of the player
//vector3 store the current position of the player
PlayerInput playerInput;
CharacterController characterController;
Animator animator;
Vector2 currentMovementInput;
Vector3 currentMovement;
Vector3 currentRunMovement;
Vector3 moveDir;
bool isMovementPressed;
bool isRunPressed;
float rotationFactor = 15.0f;
// float turnSmoothtime = 0.1f;
// float turnSmoothVelocity ;
float runMultiplier = 4.0f;
int walkHash ;
int runHash ;
//runs before start function
void Awake(){
playerInput = new PlayerInput();
characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
// walkHash = Animator.StringToHash("Walking");
// runHash = Animator.StringToHash("run");
//now instead of writing the logic three times we pass the callback ctx to the movementInput() function
playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.started = movementInput;
playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.canceled = movementInput;
playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.performed = movementInput;
playerInput.CharacterControls.Run.started = handleRun;
playerInput.CharacterControls.Run.canceled = handleRun;
void handleRun(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx){
isRunPressed = ctx.ReadValueAsButton();
//we are going to handle rotations with quaternions
void handleRotation(){
Vector3 positionToLookAt;
positionToLookAt.x = currentMovement.x;
positionToLookAt.y = 0.0f ;
positionToLookAt.z = currentMovement.z;
Vector3 direction = new Vector3(positionToLookAt.x, 0.0f, positionToLookAt.z).normalized;
Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;
//we take the current rotation and the target rotation and slerp them *FYI : Im still not sure how slerp works
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(positionToLookAt);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, rotationFactor * Time.deltaTime);
//we are passing the callback ctx to this function so that we dont have to call the function everytime we start, cancel or perform the movement
void movementInput(InputAction.CallbackContext ctx){
//we are setting the movement input to the axis of the player
currentMovementInput = ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>();
currentMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x;
//we are setting the z axis to the y axis of the player because we move y axis on keyboard or joystick but in game we move in z axis
currentMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y;
//now we are setting the run movement to the current movement
currentRunMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x * runMultiplier;
currentRunMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y * runMultiplier;
isMovementPressed = currentMovementInput.x != 0 || currentMovementInput.y != 0;
void handleAnimation(){
bool walk = animator.GetBool("walking");
bool run = animator.GetBool("run");
if(isMovementPressed && !walk){
animator.SetBool("walking", true);
else if(!isMovementPressed && walk){
animator.SetBool("walking", false);
if((isMovementPressed && isRunPressed) && !run){
animator.SetBool("run", true);
else if((!isMovementPressed || !isRunPressed)&& run){
animator.SetBool("run", false);
void handleGravity(){
//we are setting the gravity to -9.8f because we are moving in y axis
float groundGravity = -0.05f;
currentMovement.y = groundGravity;
currentRunMovement.y = groundGravity;
float gravity = -9.8f;
currentMovement.y = gravity * Time.deltaTime;
currentRunMovement.y = gravity * Time.deltaTime;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
characterController.Move(currentRunMovement * Time.deltaTime);
characterController.Move(currentMovement * Time.deltaTime);
//we are checking if the player script gets enabled or disabled and accordingly we are enabling or disabling the player input
void OnEnable(){
void OnDisable(){
CodePudding user response:
Use Transform.LookAt, which points a Game Object's rotation towards a target's position.
In your case, this would be
CodePudding user response:
That quite a lot of code to dive into. I'd try:
Quaternion cameraRot = Camera.Main.transform.rotation;
transform.rotation = cameraRot;
Or if you have a target Quaternion.LookRotation:
Vector3 relativePos = target.position - transform.position;
// the second argument, upwards, defaults to Vector3.up
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos, Vector3.up);
transform.rotation = rotation;
Hope that helps