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pandas groupby fillna code does not work and gives error


I have the dataframe like this:

data = {'name':  ['Alex', 'Ben', 'Marry','Alex', 'Ben', 'Marry'],
        'job': ['teacher', 'doctor', 'engineer','teacher', 'doctor', 'engineer'],
        'age': [27, 32, 78,27, 32, 78],
        'weight': [160, 209, 130,164, 206, 132],
        'date': ['6-12-2022', '6-12-2022', '6-12-2022','6-13-2022', '6-13-2022', '6-13-2022']

df = pd.DataFrame(data) df

I add data for another date as null values:

    |name   |job        |age|weight |date
|0  |Alex   |teacher    |27 |160    |6-12-2022
|1  |Ben    |doctor     |32 |209    |6-12-2022
|2  |Marry  |engineer   |78 |130    |6-12-2022
|3  |Alex   |teacher    |27 |164    |6-13-2022
|4  |Ben    |doctor     |32 |206    |6-13-2022
|5  |Marry  |engineer   |78 |132    |6-13-2022
|6  |Alex   |teacher    |NaN|NaN    |6-14-2022
|7  |Ben    |doctor     |NaN|NaN    |6-14-2022
|8  |Marry  |engineer   |NaN|NaN    |6-14-2022

Now, I want to fillna values in weight column after groupby name and job, and get average

I tried these lines of codes:

df.loc[df.weight.isnull(), 'weight'] = df.groupby(["name", "job"]).weight.transform('mean')


df['weight'] = df['weight'].fillna(df.groupby(["name", "job"])['weight'].mean())


df['weight'] = df.groupby(["name", "job"], sort=False)['weight'].apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))

For the first one, I get this error:

ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'Python object' but got 'long'

name and job are string, and weight is flout64.

and for the rest it runs but doesnt fill na values.

CodePudding user response:


def fn(x):
    x["age"].fillna(x["age"].mean(), inplace=True)
    x["weight"].fillna(x["weight"].mean(), inplace=True)
    return x

df = df.groupby(["name", "job"]).apply(fn)


    name       job   age  weight       date
0   Alex   teacher  27.0   160.0  6-12-2022
1    Ben    doctor  32.0   209.0  6-12-2022
2  Marry  engineer  78.0   130.0  6-12-2022
3   Alex   teacher  27.0   164.0  6-13-2022
4    Ben    doctor  32.0   206.0  6-13-2022
5  Marry  engineer  78.0   132.0  6-13-2022
6   Alex   teacher  27.0   162.0  6-14-2022
7    Ben    doctor  32.0   207.5  6-14-2022
8  Marry  engineer  78.0   131.0  6-14-2022

CodePudding user response:

You can't use mean with non numeric values, you must convert:

df.loc[df.weight.isnull(), 'weight'] = pd.to_numeric(df['weight']).groupby([df["name"], df["job"]]).transform('mean')


    name       job   age weight       date
0   Alex   teacher    27    160  6-12-2022
1    Ben    doctor    32    209  6-12-2022
2  Marry  engineer    78    130  6-12-2022
3   Alex   teacher    27    164  6-13-2022
4    Ben    doctor    32    206  6-13-2022
5  Marry  engineer    78    132  6-13-2022
6   Alex   teacher   NaN  162.0  6-14-2022
7    Ben    doctor   NaN  207.5  6-14-2022
8  Marry  engineer   NaN  131.0  6-1242022

CodePudding user response:

For your purpose using Andrej Kesely answer might be enough, but have in mind that using apply with pandas is not good performance-wise.

A better option to maintain performance is to use .transform('mean') like

  df["age"].fillna(df.groupby(["name", "job"])["age"].transform("mean"), inplace=True) 
  df["weight"].fillna(df.groupby(["name", "job"])["weight"].transform("mean"), inplace=True) 

This is just a comparison between the groupby and apply strategy and the transform one. Where slow referes to the groupby-apply and fast to the transform.

enter image description here

To reproduce this comparison you can run this

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
from tqdm import tqdm

def build_dataset(N):
  names = ['Alex', 'Ben', 'Marry','Alex', 'Ben', 'Marry']
  jobs = ['teacher', 'doctor', 'engineer','teacher', 'doctor', 'engineer']

  data = {
      'name':  np.random.choice(names, size=N),
      'job': np.random.choice(jobs, size=N),
      'age': np.random.uniform(low=10, high=90, size=N),
      'weight': np.random.uniform(low=60, high=150, size=N)

  df = pd.DataFrame(data)
  df.loc[df.sample(frac=0.1).index, "age"] = np.nan
  df.loc[df.sample(frac=0.1).index, "weight"] = np.nan
  return df

def slow_way(df):
  df = df.copy()
  def fn(x):
      x["age"].fillna(x["age"].mean(), inplace=True)
      x["weight"].fillna(x["weight"].mean(), inplace=True)
      return x

  return df.groupby(["name", "job"]).apply(fn)

def fast_way(df):
  df = df.copy()
  df["age"].fillna(df.groupby(["name", "job"])["age"].transform("mean"), inplace=True) 
  df["weight"].fillna(df.groupby(["name", "job"])["weight"].transform("mean"), inplace=True) 

  return df

Ns = np.arange(10, 100000, step=1000, dtype=np.int32)
slow = []
fast = []
size = []
for N in tqdm(Ns):
  for i in range(10):
    df = build_dataset(N)
    start = time.time()
    _ = slow_way(df)
    end = time.time()
    start = time.time()
    _ = fast_way(df)
    end = time.time()

df = pd.DataFrame({"N": size, "slow": slow, "fast": fast})
df_group = df.groupby("N").mean()
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