Home > database >  ORA - 06512: the "JTHFM CUX_EBS_SYN_VENDER_PKG", line 7 ORA - 01722: invalid digital inval
ORA - 06512: the "JTHFM CUX_EBS_SYN_VENDER_PKG", line 7 ORA - 01722: invalid digital inval


For how great god the error report is invalid number???????

The create or replace package body cux_ebs_syn_vender_pkg is

Procedure insert_system_vender_tmp (p_user_id number) is
The begin

The delete from pur_system_vender_tmp;
Insert into pur_system_vender_tmp
The select vendor_id vender_id,
Vendor_num vender_code,
Vendor_type_lookup_code vender_type_id,
Null description_id,
A null address,
Null artificial_person,
Null tax_id_number,
Branch_num bank_branch_code,
Bank_account_num bank_account_code,
Null payment_term_id,
Null payment_method,
Null tax_type_id,
Null approved_vender_flag,
Null enabled_flag,
P_user_id created_by,
Sysdate creation_date,
P_user_id last_updated_by,
Sysdate last_update_date,
End_date_active end_date_active,
End_date_active site_inactive_date,
The name org_name,
The from appsebs_CUX_AP_VENDORS v.
The exception

The when others then

Sys_raise_app_error_pkg. Raise_sys_others_error (p_message=& gt; Dbms_utility. Format_error_backtrace | | "| |
P_created_by=& gt; 1,
P_package_name=& gt; 'cux_ebs_update_data'
P_procedure_function_name=& gt; 'insert_customers_tmp');
Raise_application_error (sys_raise_app_error_pkg c_error_number,
Sys_raise_app_error_pkg. G_err_line_id);

The end;

Procedure load_system_vender (p_user_id number) is
V_pur_system_vender_tmp pur_system_vender_tmp % rowtype;
The begin
Insert_system_vender_tmp (p_user_id);
The begin
- data query there is no
Select *
Into v_pur_system_vender_tmp
The from pur_system_vender_tmp n
Where not exists
(select 1
The from pur_system_venders p
Where p.v ender_id=vt. Vender_id
And p.v endor_site_id=vt. Vendor_site_id
And p.b ank_account_code=vt. Bank_account_code);

- there is no insert
Insert into pur_system_venders p
Values v_pur_system_vender_tmp;
For cur_line in (select *
The from pur_system_vender_tmp n
Where the exists (select 1
The from pur_system_venders p
Where p.v ender_id=vt. Vender_id
And p.v endor_site_id=vt. Vendor_site_id
And p.b ank_account_code=vt. Bank_account_code)
And not the exists
(select 1
The from pur_system_venders p
Where p.v ender_id=vt. Vender_id and
P.v ender_code=vt. Vender_code and
P.v ender_type_id=vt. Vender_type_id and
Conviction yourself escription_id=vt. Description_id and
P.a ddress=n. The address and
P.a rtificial_person=vt. Artificial_person and
P.t ax_id_number=vt. Tax_id_number and
P.b ank_branch_code=vt. Bank_branch_code and
P.b ank_account_code=vt. Bank_account_code and
P.p ayment_term_id=vt. Payment_term_id and
P.p ayment_method=vt. Payment_method and
P.c urrency_code=vt. Currency_code and
P.t ax_type_id=vt. Tax_type_id and
P.a pproved_vender_flag=vt. Approved_vender_flag and
P.e nabled_flag=vt. Enabled_flag and
P.c reated_by=vt. Created_by and
P.c reation_date=vt. Creation_date and
P.l ast_updated_by=vt. Last_updated_by and
P.l ast_update_date=vt. Last_update_date and
P.e nd_date_active=vt. End_date_active and
P.v endor_site_id=vt. Vendor_site_id and
P.p arty_site_name=vt. Party_site_name and
P.v endor_site_code=vt. Vendor_site_code and
P. ite_inactive_date=vt. Site_inactive_date and
P.org_id=vt.org _id and
P.org_name=vt.org _name and
P.c ountry=vt. Country and
P.c ountry_code=vt. Country_code and
P.a ddress_line1=vt. Address_line1 and
P.a ddress_line2=vt. Address_line2 and
P.a ddress_line3=vt. Address_line3))
The begin
The update pur_system_venders p
The set p.v ender_code=cur_line vender_code,
P.v ender_type_id=cur_line vender_type_id,
Conviction yourself escription_id=cur_line description_id,
P.a ddress=cur_line. Address,
P.a rtificial_person=cur_line artificial_person,
P.t ax_id_number=cur_line tax_id_number,
P.b ank_branch_code=cur_line bank_branch_code,
P.b ank_account_code=cur_line bank_account_code,
P.p ayment_term_id=cur_line payment_term_id,
P.p ayment_method=cur_line payment_method,
P.c urrency_code=cur_line currency_code,
P.t ax_type_id=cur_line tax_type_id,
P.a pproved_vender_flag=cur_line approved_vender_flag,
P.e nabled_flag=cur_line enabled_flag,
P.c reated_by=cur_line created_by,
P.c reation_date=cur_line creation_date,
P.l ast_updated_by=cur_line last_updated_by,
P.l ast_update_date=sysdate,
P.e nd_date_active=cur_line end_date_active,
P.v endor_site_id=cur_line vendor_site_id,
P.p arty_site_name=cur_line party_site_name,

P.v endor_site_code=cur_line vendor_site_code,
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