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Pb 11 web problem? To you can be very simple, very headache to me.


Unable to display the XML page,
Using XSL style sheet cannot view XML input, please correct the error and then click the refresh button, or try again later,

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Names begin with invalid characters, an error occurred when processing resources' http://localhost/pb_webtest/Default.aspx ', line 1, 2 position:

<% @ Page ValidateRequest="false" language="c #" EnableViewState="false" SmartNavigation="false" Codebehind="default. Aspx. C...

A window is simple, the RUN is the prompt, could you tell me where is the problem,

CodePudding user response:

Just the problem has been solved,
Released new problems come out now, when there are a lot of control properties does not support, the previous program needs to do more to adjust, especially the menu, don't know if I don't have enough patches or what reason

CodePudding user response:

Just contact with pb web problem lot, goto lab: such statements in pb10.5 through, released in pb11 wouldn't work, also can not find information, zha do oh,

CodePudding user response:

Iis not configure asp.net

Using the command

Aspnet_regiis -i

Can be
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