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How to install openCV on windows to work with python


Im trying to install OpenCV to run with Visual Studio using python. Im using this link : Installation OpenCV on windows the problem is I cannot find file CV2.pyd.There is folder called CV2 with subfolders of some python versions. Installing using command

pip install opencv-contribute-python

give me totally no result. How to install this im going out of my minds.

CodePudding user response:

Solved this. Found that opencv has problems with latest release of python. Uninstalled everything and installed version 3.9 and its just working. It took me whole night fighting with this problem I hope it can help somebody.

CodePudding user response:

Considering your case just try to download openCv python and import CV2 will solve your issue and also what version of pip you are using is needs to be considered. try this out.

pip install opencv-contrib-python


pip install opencv-python

then import cv2.

If you are using pip3 then try running this command

pip3 install opencv-contrib-python
pip3 install opencv-python
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