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Database partition


1. Database partition is a physical database design technology, the partition technology can achieve many effects, but its main purpose is to in particular SQL operations to reduce the amount of data read and write to reduce response time,
2. There are two forms of partition
2.1 horizontal partitioning: on the partition, the column definition in the table can be found in each data set, so the table feature is still maintained,
Vertical partitions: 2.2 this partition is generally through the table at the time of the vertical division to reduce the width of the target table, make certain column is divided to a specific partition, each partition contains the column of the line,
3. Start in their database engine supplier database partition (mainly horizontal partitioning), DBA and modelers have to design good table physical partition structure, don't keep the redundant data (different at the same time are included in the parent table data in the table) or connected into a logical parent object (usually view), it will make the most of the function of the horizontal partitioning failure, sometimes also can affect the vertical partition,
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