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How to bind two tables where the row name of the second table matches the values in a column of the


I am trying to append a table with limits for the values of another table according to the matrix and analyte of the value.

Table One has columns including Matrix (Fish or Floc), Analyte (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg), and ResultWet (numeric values).

Table Two has rows for each Analyte in Table One and 3 columns, one for the Fish matrix and two for the Floc matrix.

I am trying to figure out how to bind Table Two to Table One so that each specific combination of Analyte and Matrix will have the corresponding limit value from Table Two appended as a new column(s), with rows not meeting the conditions reading NA.

The limit_table looks like this:

limits= matrix(c(30,33,9.79,
                 50,128,35.8), nrow=6, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(limits) = c("fish","floc_PEC","floc_TEC")
rownames(limits) = c("As","Cd","Cr","Cu","Hg","Pb")

     fish floc_PEC floc_TEC
As  30.00    33.00     9.79
Cd   0.50     4.98     0.99
Cr   0.88   111.00    43.40
Cu 300.00   149.00    31.60
Hg   0.10     1.06     0.18
Pb  50.00   128.00    35.80

The Results table essentially looks like this:

Lab_Results <- read.csv(
  file = "Grassy_4.22_Data.csv",
  fileEncoding = 'UTF-8-BOM',
  header  =TRUE,
  sep = ",",
  dec = "."
Lab_Results= Lab_Results[c("Sample_Date","Matrix","Analyte","ResultDry","ResultWet","MDLDry","MRLDry","MDLWet","MRLWet","Units")]
Results= Lab_Results[which(Lab_Results$Matrix=='Fish' | Lab_Results$Matrix=="Floc"),]

   Sample_Date Matrix Analyte ResultDry ResultWet  MDLDry   MRLDry   MDLWet   MRLWet Units
1   04/27/2022   Floc     %TS    5.6800   5.68000 0.13000  0.42000 0.130000 0.420000     %
2   04/27/2022   Floc      As    1.9000   0.10800 0.71300  1.66000 0.040000 0.094000 mg/kg
3   04/27/2022   Floc      Cd    0.3170   0.01800 0.31700  0.71300 0.018000 0.040000 mg/kg
4   04/27/2022   Floc      Cr   10.5000   0.59500 7.13000 14.30000 0.405000 0.809000 mg/kg
5   04/27/2022   Floc      Cu    4.2000   0.24000 4.20000  8.40000 0.240000 0.480000 mg/kg
6   04/27/2022   Floc      Pb    3.5300   0.20000 0.71300  2.14000 0.040000 0.121000 mg/kg
7   04/27/2022   Floc      Hg    0.0269   0.00153 0.00563  0.01410 0.000319 0.000799 mg/kg
8   04/29/2022   Fish     %TS   20.5700  20.57000 0.33000  1.09000 0.330000 1.090000     %
9   04/29/2022   Fish      As    0.1620   0.03300 0.03900  0.09200 0.008000 0.019000 mg/kg
10  04/29/2022   Fish      Cd    0.0170   0.00400 0.01700  0.03900 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg
11  04/29/2022   Fish      Cr    0.8950   0.18400 0.39200  0.78400 0.081000 0.161000 mg/kg
12  04/29/2022   Fish      Cu    7.9700   1.64000 0.23100  0.46200 0.048000 0.095000 mg/kg
13  04/29/2022   Fish      Hg    0.1900   0.03900 0.00308  0.00771 0.000634 0.001590 mg/kg
14  04/29/2022   Fish      Pb    1.3900   0.28700 0.03900  0.11800 0.008000 0.024000 mg/kg

I would like the new table to look something like this, with the values for the 3 new columns corresponding to the matrix and analyte or otherwise NA:

   Sample_Date Matrix Analyte ResultDry ResultWet  MDLDry   MRLDry   MDLWet   MRLWet Units Fish_Limit Floc_PEC Floc_TEC
1   04/27/2022   Floc     %TS    5.6800   5.68000 0.13000  0.42000 0.130000 0.420000     %
2   04/27/2022   Floc      As    1.9000   0.10800 0.71300  1.66000 0.040000 0.094000 mg/kg
3   04/27/2022   Floc      Cd    0.3170   0.01800 0.31700  0.71300 0.018000 0.040000 mg/kg
4   04/27/2022   Floc      Cr   10.5000   0.59500 7.13000 14.30000 0.405000 0.809000 mg/kg
5   04/27/2022   Floc      Cu    4.2000   0.24000 4.20000  8.40000 0.240000 0.480000 mg/kg
6   04/27/2022   Floc      Pb    3.5300   0.20000 0.71300  2.14000 0.040000 0.121000 mg/kg
7   04/27/2022   Floc      Hg    0.0269   0.00153 0.00563  0.01410 0.000319 0.000799 mg/kg
8   04/29/2022   Fish     %TS   20.5700  20.57000 0.33000  1.09000 0.330000 1.090000     %
9   04/29/2022   Fish      As    0.1620   0.03300 0.03900  0.09200 0.008000 0.019000 mg/kg
10  04/29/2022   Fish      Cd    0.0170   0.00400 0.01700  0.03900 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg
11  04/29/2022   Fish      Cr    0.8950   0.18400 0.39200  0.78400 0.081000 0.161000 mg/kg
12  04/29/2022   Fish      Cu    7.9700   1.64000 0.23100  0.46200 0.048000 0.095000 mg/kg
13  04/29/2022   Fish      Hg    0.1900   0.03900 0.00308  0.00771 0.000634 0.001590 mg/kg
14  04/29/2022   Fish      Pb    1.3900   0.28700 0.03900  0.11800 0.008000 0.024000 mg/kg


I reformatted the limit_table to make the row names into a new column called Analyte and merged the table to the first table with Analyte as the by= operator:

limits= matrix(c("As",30,33,9.79,
                 "Pb",50,128,35.8), nrow=6, ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
colnames(limits) = c("Analyte","Fish_Limit","Floc_PEC","Floc_TEC")
Results= merge(Results,limits,by='Analyte', all.x=TRUE)

However, there is no way I can see to only add the Fish_Limit column to rows that include the Fish Matrix value and the Floc_PEC and Floc_TEC columns to the rows that have the Floc Matrix. Is there any way to include that extra step?

Here is a part of the new table so far:

> Results
   Analyte Sample_Date Matrix ResultDry ResultWet  MDLDry   MRLDry   MDLWet   MRLWet Units Fish_Limit Floc_PEC Floc_TEC
1      %TS  04/27/2022   Floc    5.6800   5.68000 0.13000  0.42000 0.130000 0.420000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
2      %TS  04/27/2022   Floc    5.2100   5.21000 0.14000  0.45000 0.140000 0.450000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
3      %TS  04/27/2022   Floc    5.2700   5.27000 0.13000  0.45000 0.130000 0.450000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
4      %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   21.8700  21.87000 0.28000  0.94000 0.280000 0.940000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
5      %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   21.9800  21.98000 0.28000  0.92000 0.280000 0.920000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
6      %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   21.9200  21.92000 0.30000  1.00000 0.300000 1.000000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
7      %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   20.2800  20.28000 0.31000  1.02000 0.310000 1.020000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
8      %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   20.5700  20.57000 0.33000  1.09000 0.330000 1.090000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
9      %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   20.9800  20.98000 0.33000  1.10000 0.330000 1.100000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
10     %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   20.8200  20.82000 0.34000  1.12000 0.340000 1.120000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
11     %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   21.2000  21.20000 0.29000  0.96000 0.290000 0.960000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
12     %TS  04/29/2022   Fish   21.5300  21.53000 0.28000  0.95000 0.280000 0.950000     %       <NA>     <NA>     <NA>
13      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1240   0.02700 0.04100  0.09500 0.009000 0.021000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
14      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1560   0.03400 0.04000  0.09300 0.009000 0.020000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
15      As  04/27/2022   Floc    1.9000   0.10800 0.71300  1.66000 0.040000 0.094000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
16      As  04/27/2022   Floc    2.3200   0.12100 0.75800  1.77000 0.040000 0.092000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
17      As  04/27/2022   Floc    2.3900   0.12600 0.79700  1.86000 0.042000 0.098000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
18      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1640   0.03600 0.03800  0.09000 0.008000 0.020000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
19      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1550   0.03400 0.04000  0.09400 0.009000 0.021000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
20      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1780   0.03700 0.04000  0.09200 0.008000 0.019000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
21      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1600   0.03200 0.03900  0.09200 0.008000 0.019000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
22      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1620   0.03300 0.03900  0.09200 0.008000 0.019000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
23      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1700   0.03600 0.04000  0.09400 0.008000 0.020000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
24      As  04/29/2022   Fish    0.1330   0.02800 0.04200  0.09700 0.009000 0.021000 mg/kg         30       33     9.79
25      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0180   0.00400 0.01800  0.04000 0.004000 0.009000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
26      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0180   0.00400 0.01800  0.04100 0.004000 0.009000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
27      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0180   0.00400 0.01800  0.04200 0.004000 0.009000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
28      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0180   0.00400 0.01800  0.04000 0.004000 0.009000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
29      Cd  04/27/2022   Floc    0.3170   0.01800 0.31700  0.71300 0.018000 0.040000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
30      Cd  04/27/2022   Floc    0.3370   0.01800 0.33700  0.75800 0.018000 0.040000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
31      Cd  04/27/2022   Floc    0.3540   0.01900 0.35400  0.79700 0.019000 0.042000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
32      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0170   0.00400 0.01700  0.03800 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
33      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0180   0.00400 0.01800  0.04000 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
34      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0180   0.00400 0.01800  0.04000 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
35      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0170   0.00400 0.01700  0.03900 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99
36      Cd  04/29/2022   Fish    0.0170   0.00400 0.01700  0.03900 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg        0.5     4.98     0.99

CodePudding user response:

If your limits object is a data.frame (see input below), you can do this, using dplyr


Results %>% 
      limits %>% mutate(Matrix = "Fish") %>% mutate(Floc_PEC = NA, Floc_TEC=NA),
      limits %>% mutate(Matrix = "Floc") %>% mutate(Fish_Limit = NA)


   Sample_Date Matrix Analyte ResultDry ResultWet  MDLDry   MRLDry   MDLWet   MRLWet Units Fish_Limit Floc_PEC Floc_TEC
1   04/27/2022   Floc     %TS    5.6800   5.68000 0.13000  0.42000 0.130000 0.420000     %         NA       NA       NA
2   04/27/2022   Floc      As    1.9000   0.10800 0.71300  1.66000 0.040000 0.094000 mg/kg         NA    33.00     9.79
3   04/27/2022   Floc      Cd    0.3170   0.01800 0.31700  0.71300 0.018000 0.040000 mg/kg         NA     4.98     0.99
4   04/27/2022   Floc      Cr   10.5000   0.59500 7.13000 14.30000 0.405000 0.809000 mg/kg         NA   111.00    43.40
5   04/27/2022   Floc      Cu    4.2000   0.24000 4.20000  8.40000 0.240000 0.480000 mg/kg         NA   149.00    31.60
6   04/27/2022   Floc      Pb    3.5300   0.20000 0.71300  2.14000 0.040000 0.121000 mg/kg         NA   128.00    35.80
7   04/27/2022   Floc      Hg    0.0269   0.00153 0.00563  0.01410 0.000319 0.000799 mg/kg         NA     1.06     0.18
8   04/29/2022   Fish     %TS   20.5700  20.57000 0.33000  1.09000 0.330000 1.090000     %         NA       NA       NA
9   04/29/2022   Fish      As    0.1620   0.03300 0.03900  0.09200 0.008000 0.019000 mg/kg      30.00       NA       NA
10  04/29/2022   Fish      Cd    0.0170   0.00400 0.01700  0.03900 0.004000 0.008000 mg/kg       0.50       NA       NA
11  04/29/2022   Fish      Cr    0.8950   0.18400 0.39200  0.78400 0.081000 0.161000 mg/kg       0.88       NA       NA
12  04/29/2022   Fish      Cu    7.9700   1.64000 0.23100  0.46200 0.048000 0.095000 mg/kg     300.00       NA       NA
13  04/29/2022   Fish      Hg    0.1900   0.03900 0.00308  0.00771 0.000634 0.001590 mg/kg       0.10       NA       NA
14  04/29/2022   Fish      Pb    1.3900   0.28700 0.03900  0.11800 0.008000 0.024000 mg/kg      50.00       NA       NA


limits = structure(list(Analyte = c("As", "Cd", "Cr", "Cu", "Hg", "Pb"
), Fish_Limit = c(30, 0.5, 0.88, 300, 0.1, 50), Floc_PEC = c(33, 
4.98, 111, 149, 1.06, 128), Floc_TEC = c(9.79, 0.99, 43.4, 31.6, 
0.18, 35.8)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -6L))

Results = structure(list(Sample_Date = c("04/27/2022", "04/27/2022", "04/27/2022", 
"04/27/2022", "04/27/2022", "04/27/2022", "04/27/2022", "04/29/2022", 
"04/29/2022", "04/29/2022", "04/29/2022", "04/29/2022", "04/29/2022", 
"04/29/2022"), Matrix = c("Floc", "Floc", "Floc", "Floc", "Floc", 
"Floc", "Floc", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", 
"Fish"), Analyte = c("%TS", "As", "Cd", "Cr", "Cu", "Pb", "Hg", 
"%TS", "As", "Cd", "Cr", "Cu", "Hg", "Pb"), ResultDry = c(5.68, 
1.9, 0.317, 10.5, 4.2, 3.53, 0.0269, 20.57, 0.162, 0.017, 0.895, 
7.97, 0.19, 1.39), ResultWet = c(5.68, 0.108, 0.018, 0.595, 0.24, 
0.2, 0.00153, 20.57, 0.033, 0.004, 0.184, 1.64, 0.039, 0.287), 
    MDLDry = c(0.13, 0.713, 0.317, 7.13, 4.2, 0.713, 0.00563, 
    0.33, 0.039, 0.017, 0.392, 0.231, 0.00308, 0.039), MRLDry = c(0.42, 
    1.66, 0.713, 14.3, 8.4, 2.14, 0.0141, 1.09, 0.092, 0.039, 
    0.784, 0.462, 0.00771, 0.118), MDLWet = c(0.13, 0.04, 0.018, 
    0.405, 0.24, 0.04, 0.000319, 0.33, 0.008, 0.004, 0.081, 0.048, 
    0.000634, 0.008), MRLWet = c(0.42, 0.094, 0.04, 0.809, 0.48, 
    0.121, 0.000799, 1.09, 0.019, 0.008, 0.161, 0.095, 0.00159, 
    0.024), Units = c("%", "mg/kg", "mg/kg", "mg/kg", "mg/kg", 
    "mg/kg", "mg/kg", "%", "mg/kg", "mg/kg", "mg/kg", "mg/kg", 
    "mg/kg", "mg/kg")), row.names = c(NA, -14L), class = "data.frame")
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