select distinct p. ihao, a. igid, a. d. JBH, c.s. pid, c.s. PBH, c.s. PMCH, p. ihao, c.s. hengccj c.d w, c.s. HPGG,
, b.j whname, b.h wname, p. ihao, b.s XRQ,, dc kname, c.p izhwh
The from (select spid, pihao pici, DJBH from
The select row_number () over (partition by spid, pihao order by pici) number, * from yw_jxmx where DJBH like 'jhe %'
) t
Where t. number='1') tt
Inner join yw_jxhz on tt. "DJBH=a. d. JBH
Inner JOIN YW_JXMX b (nolock) ON a. d. JBH=b.d JBH and tt. The spid=b.s pid
Inner JOIN spzl_v c (nolock) ON b.s c.s. pid and the pid=a. igid=SAN Antonio igid
Inner JOIN zl_ckzl d (nolock) ON biggest kid=, dc kid
Inner join zl_jwhzl e (nolock) on the biggest kid=e.c. with our fabrication: kid and b.h wid=e.h wid and b.j whid=e.j whid
Where a. igid='000'
The order by c.s. pid
Query as above, but every time I click on the query is executed, the results of the query will change the number of lines, is a separate database, and, why the same query will appear this kind of circumstance!
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