Home > database > In the use of exp export Oracle database table, a default value for the part of the field and not nu
In the use of exp export Oracle database table, a default value for the part of the field and not nu
I use the exp command to export of oracle database table, but less export DMP file section default values and not null constraint (not all, a table three fields have a not null constraint, export to two, there is a guide not to come out) seeks advice!! 1, execute the command: exp userid=$USER1 tables=uploadlog file=Image. The DMP grants triggers rows=n=n=n indexes constraints==n n 2, compared to the original database structure and export the DMP file structure: Obviously, the second picture of the not null, another table field default value is same, this situation after the export is no!
CodePudding user response:
The great god help me quickly see ah
CodePudding user response:
You set the constraints=n, constraints not guide, the not null non-null constraint