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Get nodes and relationships at a given hop from a Neo4j graph


I want to query a Neo4j graph for nodes and their relationships at a given hop from a root node. I could get the nodes using apoc.neighbors.byhop, though not sure how I can get relationships between nodes.

Specifically, in the following graph, I'm interested to know that A is connected to C through B1 or B2. The output of apoc.neighbors.byhop does not seem to contain this information.

enter image description here

merge (p1:Person {label:"A"})
merge (p2:Person {label:"B1"})
merge (p3:Person {label:"B2"})
merge (p4:Person {label:"C"})
merge (p1)-[:Knows]->(p2)
merge (p1)-[:Knows]->(p3)
merge (p2)-[:Knows]->(p4)

To retrieve nodes at an n-hop distance:

match (p:Person {label:"A"})
call apoc.neighbors.byhop(p, "Knows", 3) 
yield nodes 
return nodes

Which returns an object as the following that does not include relationship information.


I'm interfacing with Neo4j through its .NET driver.

CodePudding user response:

That APOC function (apoc.neighbors.byhop) only returns nodes and NOT relationships. I tried replicating the same APOC function and returns the relationships in the path.

MATCH path=(p:Person {label:"A"})-[:Knows*1..]->(p2:Person)
WITH [n in nodes(path) where n <> p | n] as nodes, relationships(path) as relationships 
WITH size(nodes) as cnt, collect(nodes[-1]) as nodes, collect(distinct relationships[-1]) as relationships 
RETURN nodes, relationships

Below is the result:

    "nodes": [
        "identity": 2,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
"label": "B1"
        "identity": 3,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
"label": "B2"
    "relationships": [
        "identity": 0,
        "start": 1,
        "end": 2,
        "type": "Knows",
        "properties": {

        "identity": 1,
        "start": 1,
        "end": 3,
        "type": "Knows",
        "properties": {

    "nodes": [
        "identity": 4,
        "labels": [
        "properties": {
"label": "C"
    "relationships": [
        "identity": 2,
        "start": 2,
        "end": 4,
        "type": "Knows",
        "properties": {


CodePudding user response:

Something like this in pure Cypher will show you all relationships between nodes. You can tweak the node properties and relationship names as you'd like.

MATCH path = (p:Person)-[*1..]->(p2:Person) RETURN p, relationships(path), p2

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