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Render label names instead of integer fields in Django templates


As part of my models, I have an IntergerField "choices".

These choices have been labelled. (Label 1 = Straw, Label 2 = Yellow...)

However, the HTML renders the integer rather than the actual labels.

What do I need to do return the labels and not the field's interger?

Is it somethng I need to do in views? Or do I address it directly in the html file?

Code below:



class Model1(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User,blank=True,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    Choice_A = models.IntegerField(choices=Choice1,default=0)


def account(request):
    review_list = Model1.objects.all
    return render(request,"main/account.html", {'review_list':review_list})


{% for Model1 in review_list%}
<table >
    {% if Model1.user == user%}
        <th>Text</th><th>{{Model1.Choice_A }}</th>
{% endfor %}

CodePudding user response:

You need to use the following in your template:

{{ Model1.get_Choice_A_display }}

It will render the string instead of the integer

CodePudding user response:

You do this with the .get_fieldname_display(…) method [Django-doc], so here get_Choice_A_display:

<th>Text</th><th>{{Model1.get_Choice_A_display }}</th>

Note: normally the name of the fields in a Django model are written in snake_case, not PascalCase, so it should be: choice_a instead of Choice_A.

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