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How to pick out span tag that doesn't have a class


Using document.getElementsByClassName("span3 pickItem").outerHTML) I set a variable htmlData to contain:

<div itemscope="" >
     <p itemprop="name" >
          <a href="/user/view?id=4943">
               <span>John Doe</span>
               <br />
               <br />

How can I pick each value from the span tag and console.log them as such:

console.log(...span[0]) output: John Doe

console.log(...span[1]) output: Arizona

console.log(...span[2]) output: Student

CodePudding user response:

Could do something like this

let namesArr = []; 
let name = document.querySelectorAll("span");
name.forEach(function(names) {
   namesArr.push(names.innerHTML);//Stores all names in array so you can access later 

CodePudding user response:

Something like this should work:

// console log all names
const items = document.querySelectorAll('div.pickItem span')
items.forEach(item => {

// console each from array index

CodePudding user response:

let spans = document.getElementsByTagName('span');

console.log(spans[0].innerHTML); //'Joe Doe'

CodePudding user response:

You don't even need the htmlData variable because the DOM elements already exist. If you want to learn about parsing a string of HTML (this is what your htmlData variable has in it) into DOM elements, you can reivew DOMParser.parseFromString() - Web APIs | MDN.

  1. Select the anchor
  2. Select its child spans and map their textContent properties

function getTextFromSpan (span) {
  // Just return the text as-is:
  // return span.textContent?.trim() ?? '';

  // Or, you can also remove the single quotes from the text value if they exist:
  const text = span.textContent?.trim() ?? '';
  const singleQuote = `'`;
  const hasQuotes = text.startsWith(singleQuote) && text.endsWith(singleQuote);
  return hasQuotes ? text.slice(1, -1) : text;

const anchor = document.querySelector('div.span3.pickItem > p.name > a');

const spanTexts = [...anchor.querySelectorAll(':scope > span')].map(getTextFromSpan);

for (const text of spanTexts) {
<div itemscope="" >
  <p itemprop="name" >
    <a href="/user/view?id=4943">
      <span>John Doe</span>
      <br />
      <br />

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