P_pickupmode varchar2 (200);
P_yuqitianshu number;
The begin
- select count (o.p ickupmode) into the from
The select o.p ickupmode into p_pickupmod from the orders, o ordertrack od the where od. Licenseplateno=p_vehicleno and od. Licenseplateno=o.o rderid;
- p_pickupmode:=o.p ickupmode;
If (p_pickupmode='door-to-door') then
If (p_pickupmode='sign') then
-- dd. Vehicleno license plate number,
Tt. Licenseplateno license plate number,
O.d zt pay a single state,
O.o rderid carrier number,
O. chua learingform payment,
Decode (o.d zt,
Round (sysdate - tt. Departuretime - 0.03125, 0),
Round ((select ot. Tracktime
The from ordertrack ot
Where ot. Orderid=o.o rderid
And ot. Eventtype='customers to sign for') --
Tt. Departuretime - 0.03125,
0)) overdue days,
Decode (o.d zt,
Round (sysdate - tt. Departuretime - 0.03125, 0),
Round ((select ot. Tracktime
The from ordertrack ot
Where ot. Orderid=o.o rderid
And ot. Eventtype='customers to sign for') --
Tt. Departuretime - 0.03125,
0)) * 50 fines
From the orders o,
Longdistancetask the TDT,
Transporttrip tt
- dispatchvehicle dd
- EmployForeignVehicle evWhere o.p ickupmode='door-to-door'
And o. chua learingform='sign'
And the TDT. Orderid=o.o rderid
And tt. Transporttripno=the TDT. Tripno
And decode (o.d zt,
Round (sysdate - tt. Departuretime - 0.03125, 0),
Round ((select ot. Tracktime
The from ordertrack ot
Where ot. Orderid=o.o rderid
And ot. Eventtype='customers to sign for') - tt. Departuretime -
0.03125,0)) & gt; 0
Group by o.o rderid, tt licenseplateno, o.d zt, o. chua learingform, o.d zt, tt. Departuretime;
End the if;
End GetALLPaymentApply;
CodePudding user response:
You wrote two if, but only write a end if;CodePudding user response:
if (p_pickupmode='door-to-door') then an end after the if;