Home > database >  Please help me to look at why I after the execution of this code, to close the window will appear il
Please help me to look at why I after the execution of this code, to close the window will appear il


String ls_oldpass ls_userpass, ls_pass
String ls_newpass1, ls_newpass2
Int ret

Ls_oldpass=trim (string (sle_old. Text))
Ls_newpass1=trim (string (sle_new1. Text))
Ls_newpass2=trim (string (sle_new2. Text))

If ls_newpass1 & lt;> Ls_newpass2 then
Messagebox (hint! "" , "new input do not match the password, please check!" )
End the if

The select user_pass
Into: gs_oper_pass
The from yx_sysuser
Where user_id=: gs_oper_id;
Embry-riddleaeronautical (gs_oper_pass ls_pass)
If ls_oldpass & lt;> Ls_pass then
Messagebox (hint! "" , "the original password is not correct, please input again!" )
Sle_old. Text='
Sle_old. Setfocus ()
End the if

The puzzle (ls_newpass1 ls_userpass)
The update yx_sysuser
The set user_pass=: ls_userpass
Where user_id=: gs_oper_id;
If the sqlca. Sqlcode & lt;> 0 then
Messagebox (" ", "modify failed! Please contact the administrator!" )
The else
Messagebox (" ", "password is changed! Come into force after the exit system!" )
//return 1
//ret=messagebox (" ", "logout system?" That question! Yesno! , 2)
//if ret=1 then
Close (w_passupdate)
Return 1
End the if

CodePudding user response:

Close (w_passupdate)
Return 1

Switch to
Closewithreturn (w_passupdate, 1)
Have a try

CodePudding user response:

This seems to be also not line! It seems I have used embry-riddleaeronautical () and puzzle () function problem! The former is password decryption, the latter is encrypted!

CodePudding user response:

Estimation is you write the code in the window w_passupdate
It is ok to remove the return 1

Reason: after the close, window instance no longer exists, you do not have the corresponding instance receives the return, will go wrong

Hope it is

CodePudding user response:

A little difficulty oh

CodePudding user response:

Pay attention to pick up points
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