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Mysql8.0 source installation


Download mysql 8.0.13: https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/MySQL-8.0/mysql-8.0.13-winx64.zip
According to the actual situation to build a directory, the installation of the following is D: \ mysql this directory, for example, can build directory, according to their own situation, then put the paths through the following steps are modified to build the path of the can,

D dish to create a new mysql folder, put the downloaded file decompression to mysql this file inside the

Step one: add environment variable
MYSQL_HOME: D:/mysql/mysql - 8.0.13 - winx64
MYSQL_HOME PATH: % % \ bin step 2: open the D:/mysql/mysql - 8.0.13 - winx64 created under the directory. My ini files (note: the file suffix must be. Ini) (mysqld)
The autocommit=0
Basedir=D:/mysql/mysql - 8.0.13 - winx64
Datadir=D:/mysql/mysql - 8.0.13 - winx64/data
Character - set - server=utf8
Default - storage - engine=INNODB
Secure - file - priv='

Default - character - set=utf8
[client] third step: open the search click enter CMD to run as administrator provinces, in turn, enter the command:
- initialized mysql data file add mysql into service
Mysqld install mysql - defaults - file="D:/mysql/mysql - 8.0.13 - winx64 \ my ini"
- avoid secret landing initialized mysql service
Mysqld -- the initialize - insecure - user=mysql

- start the mysql service
Net start mysql

Mysql start after successful
Input: mysql - uroot -p
The password input interface click enter

MySQL to create remote connection user
- change the mysql root password, create a remote connection user
The alter user root @ 'localhost' identified with mysql_native_password by '123456'.

The create user root @ '%' identified by '123456'.
Grant all privileges on *. * to root @ '%' with grant option;
The alter user root @ '%' identified with mysql_native_password by '123456'.

flush privileges;
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