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How to add the new columns based on counts identified by conditions applied to multiple columns in P


Suppose following is my dataframe


userId deviceID Clean_date
ABC123 202030 28-Jul-22
XYZ123 304050 27-Jul-22
ABC123 405032 28-Jul-22
PQR123 385625 22-Jun-22
WER123 465728 2-May-22
XYZ123 935452 22-Mar-22

I want to have output like which user_id with multiple devices on same day as 'P1', user_id with multiple devices on different days as 'P2' and else 'NA'

Following as sample output


userId deviceID Clean_date Priority
ABC123 202030 28-Jul-22 P1
XYZ123 304050 27-Jul-22 P2
ABC123 405032 28-Jul-22 P1
PQR123 385625 22-Jun-22 NA
WER123 465728 2-May-22 NA
XYZ123 935452 22-Mar-22 P2

Suggest the solution in pyspark

CodePudding user response:

You can count distinct deviceID per userId and per userId Clean_date using Window then using when expression calculate Priority based on counts like this:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window

df = spark.createDataFrame([
    ("ABC123", 202030, "28-Jul-22"),("XYZ123", 304050, "27-Jul-22"),
    ("ABC123", 405032, "28-Jul-22"),("PQR123", 385625, "22-Jun-22"),
    ("WER123", 465728, "02-May-22"),("XYZ123", 935452, "22-Mar-22")
], ["userId", "deviceID", "Clean_date"])

w = Window.partitionBy("userId")
w2 = Window.partitionBy("userId", "Clean_date")

df = df.withColumn(
    F.when(F.size(F.collect_set("deviceID").over(w2)) > 1, "P1")
    .when(F.size(F.collect_set("deviceID").over(w)) > 1, "P2")

#  ------ -------- ---------- -------- 
# |userId|deviceID|Clean_date|Priority|
#  ------ -------- ---------- -------- 
# |ABC123|  202030| 28-Jul-22|      P1|
# |ABC123|  405032| 28-Jul-22|      P1|
# |PQR123|  385625| 22-Jun-22|      NA|
# |WER123|  465728| 02-May-22|      NA|
# |XYZ123|  935452| 22-Mar-22|      P2|
# |XYZ123|  304050| 27-Jul-22|      P2|
#  ------ -------- ---------- -------- 
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