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University's first big hit a project (not finished.. Still trying to)


For the first time to write blog, write bad don't criticize me... Haven't finished... ,项目是研制检测鱼塘ph和含氧量的,本人目前大三学生,普通本科,我是机械设计制造及自动化专业,对电子比较喜欢,大二一年学了C语言和51单片机,这个项目对我们小组来说很有挑战性,大二暑假就开始做,暑假完了基本还是毫无成果,一度的想放弃,这几天都在考虑是不是自己不适合这个方向,我都在想,如果换成信电的学生来自,应该早完成了吧,其间遇到了许许多多的苦难,因为不是本专业,而且比较薄弱的知识,我们这个项目需要用到传感器,AD转换,运算放大电路,这个是核心的部分,一开始我们就搞错了方向,先从外设入手,导致暑假毫无成果,然后问老师,老师就叫我们从传感器和运放和AD转换入手,我们听从了老师的建议,不过我也是大三才学传感器,而且基本都是理论知识比较多,为了弄清楚传感器,几经波折,知道传感器怎么工作了,问题还是有很多,老师叫我们用op07做运放,但是需要正负15v电源供电,我就很懵逼了,这正15v没问题,这负15问题就大了,不懂,于是百度,百度,大概明白是参考点的不同,不得不说一下我的负15v电源之路,别笑哈,第一次百度上说是用7815和7915,我就很开心了,毕竟来机会了啊,然后开开心心的买元件回来,不知7915要负电压供电才会有负15v输出,这时候又受到打击了,无奈之下继续百度,唉,网上有个电路说是要变压器降压然后搞整流... ,我也是不懂,那时候没有学电工电子技术,就是模电数电电路的整合版,学的比较简单,需要精我可能还要继续努力,这个方法行不通后,无奈之下只能问老师了,老师给我们推荐了一个dc-dc芯片,是a2415s-2w,直接输出正负15v,感觉可以了,于是在淘宝买回来,再按照说明书推荐电路链接,开始是还能得到两个稳定的电源,但是过了几分钟,芯片烧坏了,郁闷,然后继续换芯片,又烧坏了,没理由啊,电路连接和数据手册一模一样,纠结之处,刚好老师来了,我就问一下老师什么情况,老师让我看看电源的功率,我有点尴尬,电源是25.2v 1a输出,也就是25.2w,芯片才2w额定功率,经过这个惨痛的教训后,我明白做事要非常的认真细致,老师也一直跟我这样说,电源问题终于解决了,自己心想,应该可以做个电路板回来测试一下了,于是电源用7805降压到5v给单片机供电,然后买了个12v,100ma的电源插头,正负15v换成了a1215s-2w,运放用op07,显示用1602,电路板搞回来了,之前有研究stc15内部的ADC转换,所以程序很简单就写出来了,然后用电位器给p1口输入电压,但是遇到大问题,AD转换出来的值不稳定,比如都在200 201 202 203来回跳动,这就把我愁坏了,因为这个值不稳定,直接导致换算出来的ph值也不稳定,想来想去,百度也问了,看到一个方法是说用平均值求发,但是还是不稳定.... , can only ask the teacher, the teacher is the hardware design is bad, the power supply is not stable, called in for the high stability of stabilized voltage supply circuit, not 7805, and AD conversion add a reference voltage, now is the step to this, is looking for a reference voltage and power supply circuit, and a small interlude is large sensor amplifier circuit problem, op07 precision no, the teacher said just to give you play, transposition of high precision operation amplifier, and USES the differential amplifier circuit, well, anyway, I now also is not afraid of failure,... Didn't say it, there are a lot of problem, the teacher said the first project to do, can meet a lot of problems, this time is the process of your growth experience, I basic doubt yourself every day, every day the pain... , big project at least until now already has a clear train of thought, although it is still in groping, may also experience failed several times, but no failure that come to success, I often such comfort myself, anyway is probably the case, also in the effort, such as hair once again after the completion of their own, writing is not good, don't make fun...

CodePudding user response:

Actually the distance you from success is lack of good equipment, the spirit of the building Lord is laudable, is very important for their favorite things to keep warm,

CodePudding user response:

Thank you, I will continue to work hard in the

CodePudding user response:

Is this is not a blog, BBS, suggest you go to blog:

CodePudding user response:

reference gypsy song reply: 3/f
this is not a blog, BBS, suggest you go to blog:

Ok, I also is the first time, I later will notice
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