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only select columns of the a psql table could receive data


Something very bizarre have been happening. I have a very simple Entity recipe like so

@Table(name = "recipe", schema = "public")
public class Recipe {
            strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY
    @Column(name = "id", updatable = false, nullable = false)
    private long id;
    @Column(name = "name")
    private String name;
    @Column(name = "instructions")
    private String instructions;
    @Column(name = "date_added", nullable = false)
    private String dateAdded;
    @Column(name = "last_edited", nullable = false)
    private String lastEdited;

and I have this post service that should post the 4 string attribute to the database

    public void postRecipe(Recipe recipe){
        var sql = """
                INSERT INTO public.recipe ("name","instructions","date_added","last_edited")
                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)

However when the following jason is sent using postman, I get the null value error.

    "instructions":"don't eat",
ERROR: null value in column \"date_added\" of relation \"recipe\" violates not-null constraint\n  Detail: Failing row contains (3, null, don't eat, null, test)

The strangest thing is that only the "name" and "instruction" columns receive their data and not the other columns. I have tried adding another String attribute to the Entity class and it also cannot get data from the jason.

the columns of the database

Edit 1: I have tried adding the data directly through pgadmin and it worked fine

INSERT INTO recipe (name, instructions, date_added, last_edited)
VALUES ('test', 'test instruction', '2020/03/05', '2020/05/08');

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

It looks like your deserialization is broken - transforming your JSON into the Java entity, which results in some null values present. Most likely because date_added != dateAdded (field name), and Jackson cannot properly set a value.

I recommend having a look at Jackson guide: enter image description here

This is pretty strange because I am fairly certain that the under scroll is generated by hibernate. if anyone know why this is happening please let me know... for now I will just stay away from the under scrolls.

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