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Excuse me the extract data from multiple tables out of the query, how to value out of the cursor


Excuse me down like this extract data from multiple tables out of the query, how to pick up the value of the cursor, the rect t_user % rowtype; Such use will compile error
PROCEDURE myproc (
In_real_name IN VARCHAR2,
In_companyId IN VARCHAR2,
In_party IN VARCHAR2,
In_startDate IN VARCHAR2,
In_endDate IN VARCHAR2,
Outcursor OUT IN mycursor
StartDatetmp VARCHAR2 (100) :=in_startDate | | '00:00:00';
EndDatetmp VARCHAR2 (100) :=in_endDate | | '23:59:59';
Condition VARCHAR2 (500) :='b.a rea_id=201'.
SqlStr VARCHAR2 (5000);
The rect t_user % rowtype;
Condition_1 VARCHAR2 (500) :='and create_date & gt;=
To_date (' | | CRH (39) | | startDatetmp | | CRH (39) | | ', '| |
CRH (39) | | 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss' | | CRH (39) | | ')
And create_date & lt;=
To_date (' | | CRH (39) | | endDatetmp | | CRH (39) | | ', '| |
CRH (39) | | 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss' | | CRH (39) | | ');
Condition_2 VARCHAR2 (500) :='and the start_date & gt;=
To_date (' | | CRH (39) | | startDatetmp | | CRH (39) | | ', '| |
CRH (39) | | 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss' | | CRH (39) | | ')
And the start_date & lt;=
To_date (' | | CRH (39) | | endDatetmp | | CRH (39) | | ', '| |
CRH (39) | | 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss' | | CRH (39) | | ');
Condition_3 VARCHAR2 (500) :='and createtime & gt;=
To_date (' | | CRH (39) | | startDatetmp | | CRH (39) | | ', '| |
CRH (39) | | 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss' | | CRH (39) | | ')
And createtime & lt;=
To_date (' | | CRH (39) | | endDatetmp | | CRH (39) | | ', '| |
CRH (39) | | 'yyyy - mm - dd hh24: mi: ss' | | CRH (39) | | ');

If in_real_name is not null then
Condition:=condition | | 'and b.r eal_name like' | | CRH (39) | | '%' | | in_real_name | | '%' | | CRH (39);
End the if;
If in_companyId is not null then
Condition:=condition | | 'and b.com pany_id=' | | in_companyId;
End the if;
If in_party is not null then
Condition:=condition | | 'and p. arty like' | | CRH (39) | | '%' | | in_party | | '%' | | CRH (39);
End the if;
Condition:=condition | | 'and company_id is not null';
- define dynamic Sql
SqlStr:='select t.u serId, t.com panyId, t.r ealname, t.com panyName, t.p arty, t.d LCS, MKCS, time, dz1 + dz2 + dz3 dz, dt, SPCS, XWCS, WXD, MKCS + dt + WXD * 10 + (dz1 + + dz3 dz2) * 0.1 + t.t ime + t.s PCS + t.x WCS yhjf from (' | |
'the select b.i d as userId, b.com pany_id as companyId, b.r eal_name as realname,' | |
'(select count (id) from t_record where name=' | | CRH (39) | | 'landing times' | | CRH (39) | |' and user_id=b.i d '| | condition_1 | |') DLCS, '| |
'(select count (id) from t_record where the name!='| | CRH (39) | |' landing times' | | CRH (39) | | 'and user_id=b.i d' | | condition_1 | | ') MKCS, '| |
'NVL ((select sum (use_time) from T_VIDEO_RECORD where user_id=b.i d' | | condition_2 | | '), 0) time, (select company_name from t_company where id=company_id) companyName, p. arty, '| |
'(select count (id) from t_praise where userid=b.i d' | | condition_3 | | ') dz1, '| |
'(select count (id) from t_picture_praise where user_id=b.i d' | | condition_1 | | ') dz2, '| |
'(select count (video_id) from t_video_praise where user_id=b.i d' | | condition_1 | | ') dz3, '| |
'(select count (id) from t_dyn_details where user_id=b.i d and dyn_id=67' | | condition_1 | | ') WXD, '| |
'NVL ((select sum (score) from t_question_record where user_id=b.i d' | | condition_1 | | '), 0) dt, '| |
'get_user_spcs (b.i d,' | | CRH (39) | | in_startDate | | CRH (39) | | ', '| | CRH (39) | | in_endDate | | CRH (39) | |') SPCS, '| |
'get_user_xwcs (b.i d,' | | CRH (39) | | in_startDate | | CRH (39) | | ', '| | CRH (39) | | in_endDate | | CRH (39) | |') XWCS '| |
'the from t_user where b' | | condition | | 't');

The OPEN outcursor FOR sqlStr;
The fetch outcursor into the rect.
Exit the when outcursor % notfound;

Dbms_Output. Put_line (' Policy_code: '| | the rect, realname);

End loop;
The close outcursor;

END myproc;

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

The rect t_user % rowtype;

The fetch outcursor into the rect.

The structure of the cursor and t_user structure?

CodePudding user response:

Didn't understand to ask question,,


The detailed use cursor
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