Home > database >  Replace missing value of all the following columns based on the value of preceding column
Replace missing value of all the following columns based on the value of preceding column


I have a dataframe like below:

  SampleId  Col1  Col2  Col3  Col4
1  st1       k     p     
2  st2       k
3  st3       k     p     g
4  st4       k     p     g      s

I want the empty rows in the columns to be filled based on the available values from preceding columns, so something like below:

  SampleId  Col1  Col2  Col3  Col4
1  st1       k     p     p     p
2  st2       k     k     k     k
3  st3       k     p     g     g
4  st4       k     p     g     s

What would be a dplyr way to do this?

CodePudding user response:

You could transform the data to long, replace "" with NA, and fill in missing values with the previous value with fill(). Finally, transform the data back to wide.


df %>%
  pivot_longer(starts_with('Col')) %>%
  mutate(value = na_if(value, "")) %>%
  fill(value) %>%

# # A tibble: 4 × 5
#   SampleId Col1  Col2  Col3  Col4
#   <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 st1      k     p     p     p
# 2 st2      k     k     k     k
# 3 st3      k     p     g     g
# 4 st4      k     p     g     s

df <- structure(list(SampleId = c("st1", "st2", "st3", "st4"),
Col1 = c("k", "k", "k", "k"), Col2 = c("p", "", "p", "p"), Col3 = c("", "", "g", "g"),
Col4 = c("", "", "", "s")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "4"))
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