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How to Find all Leaf Nodes Without Siblings Using BeautifulSoup (Python)?


I want to preprocess HTML documents using bs4 and need a way to find all leaf nodes in an HTML document that do not have siblings.

from typing import List
import bs4

def _is_leaf_node(tag: bs4.Tag) -> bool:
    if isinstance(tag, bs4.NavigableString):
        return False
    if len(tag.find_all(text=False)) > 0:
        return False
    return True

def _has_sibling_nodes(tag: bs4.Tag) -> bool:
    if tag.previous_sibling is not None:
        return True
    if tag.next_sibling is not None:
        return True
    return False

_is_leaf_node_without_siblings = lambda node: _is_leaf_node(node) and not _has_sibling_nodes(node)
_is_leaf_node_without_siblings.__name__ = "_is_leaf_node_without_siblings"

def _find_leaf_nodes_without_siblings(soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> List[bs4.Tag]:
    leaf_nodes_without_siblings = soup.find_all(_is_leaf_node_without_siblings)
    return list(leaf_nodes_without_siblings)

def main():
    html = """<html>
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Currently my implementation returns [] but it should return [<span>Test</span>].

CodePudding user response:

Your problem is that you're using previous_sibling, which returns text nodes as well. Note that <span>Test</span> has whitespace around it, so technically it has siblings. If you want the previous sibling element returned, do find_previous_sibling() instead. Ditto for next_sibling.

(The find_*() methods return elements when no parameters are passed; it seems like a criminally undocumented feature as I don't see it mentioned in the docs(?))

Tip: I'd call "leaf node without siblings" a brat, as children without siblings are often spoiled brats. It'd make the code shorter.

Tip: Alternatively, use xpath: //*[position()=1 and position()=last()][not(*)].

CodePudding user response:

The following should return the expected result, with less complexity:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString

html = '''

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

print([el for el in soup.find_all() if (len(el.find_next_siblings()) == 0 and 
                                        len(el.find_previous_siblings()) == 0 and 
                                        len(el.contents) == 1 and 
                                        isinstance(el.contents[0], NavigableString)) or (len(el.find_next_siblings()) == 0 and 
                                                                                         len(el.find_previous_siblings()) == 0 and 
                                                                                         len(el.contents) == 0)])

Resulting in:


This covers both scenarios where leaf node is empty, or not (has text).

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