Home > database >  Google Sheets - Expanding dataset according to months between 2 dates
Google Sheets - Expanding dataset according to months between 2 dates


I would like to be able to expand a dataset to include one row per "person" per month, filtered by Start and End Date.

Consider the example below:

enter image description here

This is the desired outcome

enter image description here

Inputs are a start and end date, which could be anywhere between the start of a given financial year (01/04/20XX) and the end of that financial year (31/03/20XY). The output rows contain each month comprised between these 2 dates for which there is a matching entry in the input (see example output)

I have an example sheet enter image description here

This works however the only limitation is you have to manually edit the formula to specifically define the End range. It crashes when I set it to use the whole column using the formula below:

=ARRAYFORMULA(SPLIT(UNIQUE(QUERY(FLATTEN(IF(DAYS(C2:C,B2:B)>=SEQUENCE(1,1000,0),A2:A&","&TEXT(B2:B SEQUENCE(1,1000,0),"YYYY-MMM")&","&D2:D,"")),"where Col1 is not null")),","))

I am assuming this is because of the Query function which runs a Google Visualization API Query Language query across data making it very long and heavy processing.


To explain how this works using the formula from this link: Google sheets - List of dates between a list of start and end dates to get the dates between, but I changed the IF to return all combined 4 columns. Converted it to date format using TEXT (YYYY-MMM). I then used the UNIQUE to remove duplicates so it will only show the months. Then make use of SPLIT to split across 3 columns.


Hope this helps!

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