The existing directory
The create table temptable (name varchar (20), id number (4))
Organization external
(type oracle_loader default directory dir_test1
Access the parameters
Badfile 'bad_dev. TXT'
LOGFILE 'log_dev. TXT'
Records delimited by newline fields terminated by '|'
Missing the field values are null
) the location (' ceshi. TXT))
Show create table success,
Test data ceshi. TXT data as follows:
Zangsan | 20
Lisi | 30
Asda | dsadghgggh | ssasdsd
Then open the temptable table after
ORA - 29913: an error occurred when execution ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN v
ORA - 29400: data plug-in error kups - 00554: the error encountered while parsing the access the parameters
Kups - 01005: syntax error: found "badfile" : expecting one of: "the column, fields, records"
Kups - 01007: the at line 1 column 1
Excuse me what reason be?