1, the use of function of pb showhelp
Showhelp (" help. CHM, "Finder!)
Help. CHM is the name of the help file
2, the use of the calling application function run
The run (" hh. Exe help. CHM ")
Help. CHM should contain an absolute path, example is the current directory
3, the use of API functions
Illustrate the API function
The Function Long HtmlHelpA (Long HWND, String lphelpFile, Long wCommand, String dwData)
Library "HHCTRL. Ocx
"Call API function
//declare variables
HtmlHelpA (handle (this), "help. CHM" + "& gt;" + "w_main, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC," conn_check_messages. HTM ")
//w_main is the window that opens the help file name
More on http://blog.csdn.net/xutong
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