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aliases are not stored in zsh history


Whenever I execute a command using an alias, this command is not stored in the shell's command history.

So if I run history these commands do not appear in the list.

Nor do they appear when I press CTRL r for reverse searching the command history.

When I press the keyboard's arrow up for scrolling through the last commands, I will see an aliased command only if it was the last command I ran. Other aliased commands are will not be displayed.

For example:

$ cd my-repo
$ gs # an alias to git status
$ history

Outputs the following:

 2374  cd my-repo

(the gs command is not displayed)

A few notes:

  1. gs is only an example. The issue is far more annoying in more complex commands since I have to retype them all over again instead of executing them from history (e.g. k get pods | grep <pod_name>, where k=kubectl).

  2. gs is defined so: alias gs=' git status'.

  3. I also have a few functions in ~/.alias, e.g.:

    mkcd () {
      mkdir -pv $1

    For some reason, mkcd (or any other function in the alias file) is included in the history.

  4. I do not mind if it prints out gs or expands to git status, I'll take any of the two...

  5. I am using zsh with oh-my-zsh on macOS (Monterey). My shell aliases are defined in ~/.alias which is sourced in ~/.zshrc (source ~/.alias).

  6. This happens both in iTerm2 and in the default Mac terminal.

Thank you for taking the time to help :-)

CodePudding user response:

I will assume that your example alias is exactly what you have in your ~/.alias file. So you have aliases like this (notice the space character in front of git command):

alias gs=' git status'

There is an shell option called HIST_IGNORE_SPACE which is doing exactly what you are experiencing - in short it will not add command to the history when it starts with space character. Example:

echo 'This command will make it to the history.'
 echo 'This poor command will be forgotten.'

You can check your current options using setopt or specifically:

setopt | grep 'histignorespace'

So there are two ways how you can fix this - either by fixing your aliases to not start with space or, If you really don't want this functionality at all, by unsetting it in your ~/.zshrc like this:

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