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Xpath Get data from xml column with out cross apply


I have a table in SQL Server 2012 with this structure:

USE tempdb;

-- DDL and sample data population, start

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [dbo].[tblStepList];

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblStepList](
    [listid] [int] ,
    [Data] [xml] NOT NULL

INSERT INTO dbo.tblStepList (Listid, [Data]) VALUES

(1, N'<Steplist>
(2, N'<Steplist>
(3, N'<Steplist>

-- DDL and sample data population, end

I want sql query that can give me the rows of listids where textreadingid = 1 exists in the data xml.

Which means in this case my result will be a table with ListIds 2, 3

What I tried below works but uses cross apply which was super slow in large data. I want a soltion with out cross apply.

select  distinct Listid from
    x.XmlCol.value('(TextReadingId)[1]', 'int') as [TextReadingId]
    FROM tblStepList s 
    CROSS APPLY s.Data.nodes('/Steplist/Step') x(XmlCol)
    ) a
where TextReadingId = 1

CodePudding user response:

The slow bit is not the CROSS APPLY .nodes but the DISTINCT.

Be that as it may, you can do this using the .exist function

FROM tblStepList s 
WHERE s.Data.exist('/Steplist/Step/TextReadingId[text()="1"]') = 1


CodePudding user response:

I'm not familiar with sql and xquery you are using here, but the XPath expression to select Steplists you are looking for could be something like the following:

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