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Postgres export bytea data error


, such an experiment will be deposited in the postgres images, but found the export data was memory address,,, try to other integer, character are normal, the following code:

Deposited in the code, forget to say the environment is python, Windows

If __name__=="__main__" :
Conn=psycopg2. Connect (database="test", is omitted)
Cur=conn. Cursor ()
Query_sql="select binarydump from bindump limit 1"
With the open (" code files/b1. JPG ", 'rb') as reader:
Img_buffer=reader. The read ()
Insert_sql="update student2 set picture=(% s) where id=1"
Params=(psycopg2 Binary (img_buffer))
Cur. Execute (insert_sql, params)
Conn.com MIT ()

Export code
Conn=psycopg2. Connect (database="test", is omitted)
Cur=conn. Cursor ()
Cur. Execute (" select PIC from student2 where id=1 ")
Blob=cur. Fetchone ()
Print (blob)
Open (' code files/post. JPG ', 'wb), write (blob)
Cur. Close ()

Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "notebooks \ test. Py, line 79, in & lt; module>
Open (' code files/post. JPG ', 'wb), write (blob)
TypeError: a bytes - like the object is required, not 'a tuple

Strange strange,,

After import bytea data is the
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