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Is there a screen reader accessible custom select menu for React?


The project I'm currently working on uses Material UI for React Select components for select menus. They look great. However, according to the accessibility auditing company we work with, they have accessibility issues. Their advice is to use an HTML select menu. The client does not want to do this because we would lose our custom look. They gave me a list of criteria for a custom select if we cannot use an HTML select. One of the criteria is that the click target must be an actual button --not a div or other element with a role of button, but an actual button. Is this really true? I'm not aware of any library that does it that way. Has anyone used a custom React Select that they were able to pass an accessibility audit with? If so, please tell me which one.

CodePudding user response:

https://www.downshift-js.com/ is focused on accessibility

Another option is https://chakra-ui.com/

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