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Python - Remove words from variable


I am trying to remove any occurrence of 'Doctor', 'Honorable', and 'Professor' from a variable in a dataframe. Here is an example of the dataframe:

professor Rick Smith
Mark M. Tarleton
Doctor Charles M. Alexander
Professor doctor Todd Mckenzie
Carl L. Darla
Honorable Billy Darlington

Observations could have multiple, one, or none of: 'Doctor', 'Honorable', or 'Professor'. Also, the terms could be upper case or lower case.

Any help would be much appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

Use a regex with str.replace:

regex = '(?:Doctor|Honorable|Professor)\s*'

df['Name'] = df['Name'].str.replace(regex, '', regex=True, case=False)


0            Rick Smith
1      Mark M. Tarleton
2  Charles M. Alexander
3         Todd Mckenzie
4         Carl L. Darla
5      Billy Darlington

regex demo

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